South American Swift Codes and BIC Codes

List of all bank’s South American Swift Codes and BIC Codes with the following information:

  • Bank Code: 4 characters to identify the bank,
  • Country Code: 2 characters constituting the ISO country code (ISO 3166-1),
  • Location Code: 2 characters (alphabetical or numerical) to differentiate banks in the same country,
  • Branch Code: 3 optional characters define the agency as a bank branch.
Swift Codes and BIC Codes South American banks to download for free
List of Swift Codes and BIC Codes of banks in South American

South American Swift Codes and BIC Codes to download

South American Swift Codes and BIC Codes are managed by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. Our page includes all Swift Codes and BIC Codes by bank name, country, and continent here: Swift codes and BIC codes.

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The editorial staff of the Juristique website brings together specialists in law, human resources, and taxation. We regularly publish models of certificates, letters, contracts, and the last conventional salary scales in 2025 to meet companies' needs. We also publish articles on legal news and banking indices, such as SWIFT and CNAPS codes for international transfers.

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