Template letter invitation to get a business visa for China

Some countries require a letter of invitation from a local company to obtain a business visa, particularly China.

Another possibility is to obtain an official invitation letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, from experience, the deadlines are very long, and the result is uncertain.

Below is a template for an invitation letter for a business visa application. It’s crucial to personalize it, considering the individual going to China and the company that will welcome them.

The letter must be under three months old, printed on company letterhead, stamped, and signed by the manager. The address and telephone number are mandatory information. The traveler’s surname, first name, passport number, gender, and date of birth must also be mentioned, the type of visa requested, the number of entries, and the period of the first trip.

Invitation Letter for China Business for a Business Visa
Example of an invitation letter to go to China to obtain a Business Visa

It’s important to specify in the letter that all the cities you plan to visit and the corresponding travel dates are included. Equally important is to mention that all of your costs will be covered by the host or French companies. This reassurance is crucial as without it, the visa may be refused by the Chinese authorities.

Sample letter of invitation to get a business visa for China

<On company sales paper>

Chinese Consulate or Embassy

<Consulate or embassy address>

<City>, <Today’s date>,

Full Name of the person invited: <To complete>
Sex: <To complete>
Date of Birth: <To complete>
Passport number: <To complete>
Nationality: <To complete>

Dear Madam or Sir,

We thank you for allowing Mr <first and last name> to obtain a Chinese business visa for six months, multiple entries, to allow him to visit our company and discover our activities specific to the Chinese market.

The meetings and presentations will be held in <Company name to complete>, from 06/04/2024 to 06/09/2024 (6 days), another one from 09/04/2024 to 09/15/2024 (12 days), and a last one from 11/13/2024 to 11/24/2024 (12 days).

<Company name to complete> (Shanghai) will cover all expenses of Mister <First and last name> during his stay in China.


<First and the last name >
Chief Executive Officer and stamp company

Download the invitation letter

To use and personalize this invitation letter to obtain a Chinese business visa, you have to copy-paste the text of this article into your word processor (Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer) or your email program.

We are interested in your opinion and advice to obtain a business Chinese visa:

Let us know in the comments. Thank you.

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I specialize in social law and write cover letters, contracts, and certificate models. I help to enhance the Curriculum Vitae of job seekers. I also intervene in companies and administrations to reinforce and boost the human resources policy.

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