Cnaps Codes Rural commercial banks 农村商业银行 – page 5

List of all Chinese Cnaps Codes Rural commercial banks credit cooperatives 农村商业银行 信用社, 中国现代化支付系统号, China National Automatic Payment System, for payments to Continental china :

List Cnaps Codes Rural commercial banks credit cooperatives 农村商业银行 信用社 – page 5

Cnaps Code 银行名 Bank Name
402145100303 黄骅市黄骅镇农村信用合作社建设大街分社 Huanghua Huanghua Town, Rural Credit Cooperatives Owen Branch
402145100311 黄骅市黄骅镇农村信用合作社安居分社 Rural credit cooperatives Jianshe Road Branch Huanghua Huanghua Town
402145100320 黄骅市南街农村信用合作社渤海路分社 Huanghua Huanghua Town, Rural Credit Cooperatives housing Branch
402145100338 黄骅市南街农村信用合作社开发区分社 Huanghua Bohai Road Branch Street RCCs
402145100346 黄骅市海园农村信用合作社信誉大街分社 Huanghua Street Development Branch RCC
402145100354 黄骅市海园农村信用合作社市场街分社 Rural credit cooperatives credit bureaus Huanghua Sea Park Avenue
402145100362 黄骅市黄骅镇农村信用合作社商城分社 Rural Credit Market Street Branch Huanghua sea garden
402145100379 黄骅市黄骅镇农村信用合作社新华路分社 Huanghua Huanghua Town, Rural Credit Cooperatives Mall Branch
402145100418 黄骅市黄骅镇农村信用合作社石港路储蓄所 Huanghua Huanghua Town, Rural Credit Xinhua Road Branch
402145100426 沧州市农村信用合作社中心社中捷分社 Huanghua Huanghua town of Stone Harbor Road Rural Credit Bank
402145100434 沧州市农村信用合作社中心社南大港分社 Cangzhou City Rural Credit Center branch agency in the Czech Republic
402145200017 孟村回族自治县农村信用合作社联合社 Cangzhou City Rural Credit Center branch agency Nandagang
402145200025 孟村回族自治县辛店农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402145200033 孟村回族自治县宋庄子农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Xindian RCC
402145200041 孟村回族自治县宋庄子农村信用合作社高河分社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Song Chuang
402145200068 孟村回族自治县高寨农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Song Chuang High River Branch
402145200076 孟村回族自治县董林农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Gaozhai
402145200084 孟村回族自治县城关农村信用合作社 Donglin Nong Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145200092 孟村回族自治县团结路农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Chengguan
402145200121 孟村回族自治县振兴农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives united way
402145200130 孟村回族自治县牛进庄农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County of the revitalization of rural credit cooperatives
402145200148 孟村回族自治县城关农村信用合作社自来屯分社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County of cattle into the village RCCs
402145200156 孟村回族自治县城关农村信用合作社王御史分社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives unsolicited Chengguan Village Branch
402145200172 孟村回族自治县石桥农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Chengguan Wang Shi Branch
402145200189 孟村回族自治县新县农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Ishibashi
402145200201 孟村回族自治县赵河农村信用合作社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145300018 海兴县农村信用合作社联合社 Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Zhao River Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145300026 海兴县城关农村信用合作社 Haixing RCCU
402145300034 海兴县小山农村信用合作社 Haixing county Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145300042 海兴县小山农村信用合作社付赵分社 Haixing Hills Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145300059 海兴县辛集农村信用合作社 Haixing hill rural credit cooperatives pay Zhao Branch
402145300067 海兴县朱王农村信用合作社 Haixing Xinji RCC
402145300075 海兴县香坊农村信用合作社 Haixing Zhu Wangnong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145300083 海兴县高湾农村信用合作社 Haixing Xiangfang RCC
402145300091 海兴县郭桥农村信用合作社 Haixing high bay RCC
402145300106 海兴县张会亭农村信用合作社 Haixing Guo Qiaonong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145300122 海兴县赵毛陶农村信用合作社 Haixing Zhang Ting Rural Credit Cooperatives
402145300139 海兴县丁村农村信用合作社 Haixing Zhao Mao Tao RCC
402145300147 海兴县中心街农村信用合作社 Haixing Dingcun RCC
402145300155 海兴县城关农村信用合作社城西分社 Haixing Center Street RCC
402145300163 海兴县城关农村信用合作社兴华路分社 Haixing county rural credit cooperatives West Branch
402145300171 海兴县城关农村信用合作社中心分社 Haixing county rural credit cooperatives Xinghua Branch
402145300180 海兴县城关农村信用合作社建明分社 Haixing county Rural Credit Center branch
402146000025 廊坊市城郊农村信用合作联合社营业部 Haixing county rural credit cooperatives Jianming Branch
402146000033 廊坊市城郊农村信用合作联社第二营业部 Langfang City suburbs, rural credit cooperative union of Sales
402146000050 廊坊市城郊农村信用合作联社第三营业部 Langfang City Suburban Rural Credit Cooperative Union second Sales
402146000105 廊坊市城郊农村信用合作联社第四营业部 Langfang City Suburban Rural Credit Cooperative Union third business department
402146000148 廊坊市城郊北史务农村信用合作社 Langfang City Suburban Rural Credit Cooperative Union fourth business department
402146000164 廊坊市城郊南尖塔农村信用合作社 History of the North Suburban Langfang Rural Credit Services
402146000201 廊坊市城郊北旺农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburbs south spire RCC
402146000228 廊坊市开发区桐柏农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburbs north Wang rural credit cooperatives
402146000252 廊坊市城郊万庄农村信用合作社 Langfang Development Zone Tongbai Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146000277 廊坊市城郊旧州农村信用合作社 Langfang City Suburban Rural Credit Wanzhuang
402146000285 廊坊市城郊旧州农村信用社白家务分社 Langfang City suburb of the old state of rural credit cooperatives
402146000308 廊坊市城郊大王务农村信用合作社 Langfang Rural Credit Cooperatives white Suburban old state house bureau
402146000316 廊坊市城郊杨税务农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburb of King of rural credit cooperatives Service
402146000332 廊坊市城郊落垡农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburbs Yang tax RCCs
402146000357 廊坊市城郊码头农村信用合作社 Langfang City Suburban Rural Credit mattress off
402146000373 廊坊市城郊调河头农村信用合作社 Langfang City Suburban Rural Credit Cooperative dock
402146000381 廊坊市城郊东安庄农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburbs tune hetou RCC
402146000390 廊坊市城郊仇庄农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburbs Dongan village RCCs
402146000404 廊坊市城郊葛渔城农村信用合作社 Langfang City Suburban Rural Credit Qiu Zhuang
402146000429 廊坊市城郊东沽港农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburb of Ge fishing town RCCs
402146000445 廊坊市城郊光明道农村信用合作社 Langfang City suburbs Donggugang RCC
402146000461 廊坊市城郊农村信用合作联合社货币市场部 Langfang City suburbs, rural credit cooperative union of a money market unit
402146100018 三河市农村信用合作社联合社 Langfang City suburbs Guangming Road Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100026 三河市城关农村信用合作社 Sanhe City RCCU
402146100042 三河市高各庄农村信用合作社 Sanhe county Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100075 三河市杨庄农村信用合作社 Sanhe City High Coal Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100091 三河市赵河沟农村信用合作社 Sanhe City Yangzhuang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100106 三河市李旗庄农村信用合作社 Sanhe City Zhao brook Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100122 三河市皇庄农村信用合作社 Sanhe Li Zhuang RCC flag
402146100147 三河市新集农村信用合作社 Sanhe City Huangzhuang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100155 三河市埝头农村信用合作社 Sanhe City, the new set of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100163 三河市高楼农村信用合作社 Sanhe Dam head RCCs
402146100180 三河市小崔各庄农村信用合作社 Sanhe City high-rise Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100219 三河市段甲岭农村信用合作社 Sanhe City Tsui Coal Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100227 三河市黄土庄农村信用合作社 Sanhe City section A ridge rural credit cooperatives
402146100235 三河市灵山农村信用合作社 Sanhe City loess village Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100243 三河市后山农村信用合作社 Sanhe City Mountain Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100251 三河市燕郊农村信用合作社 Sanhe mountain rural credit cooperatives
402146100294 三河市燕郊开发区农村信用合作社 Yanjiao Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100317 三河市马起乏农村信用合作社 Sanhe Yanjiao Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100333 三河市南城农村信用合作社 Sanhe horse from the lack of rural credit cooperatives
402146100341 三河市北城农村信用合作社 Sanhe City, South City Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100376 三河市城内农村信用合作社 Sanhe City, North City Rural Credit Cooperative
402146100384 三河市西环路农村信用合作社 Sanhe City Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100392 三河市康居农村信用合作社 Sanhe City Xihuan Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146100413 三河市燕郊行宫农村信用合作社 Sanhe Healthy Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200010 固安县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Yanjiao palace rural credit cooperatives
402146200028 固安县公主府农村信用合作社 Guan RCCU Sales
402146200044 固安县宫村农村信用合作社 Princess Guan House Rural Credit
402146200069 固安县北马农村信用合作社 Guan Miyamura Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200077 固安县柳泉农村信用合作社 RCC Ma Guan North
402146200085 固安县牛驼农村信用合作社 Guan Liu Quannong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200093 固安县沙垡农村信用合作社 Guan cattle camel RCC
402146200108 固安县东红寺农村信用合作社 Guan sand mattress RCC
402146200116 固安县东湾农村信用合作社 Guan Dong Hung Temple Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200132 固安县苏桥农村信用合作社 Guan East Bay Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200149 固安县渠沟农村信用合作社 Guan Su Qiaonong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200157 固安县礼让店农村信用合作社 Guan trench Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200165 固安县马庄农村信用合作社 Guan Xian comity shop RCC
402146200181 固安县独流农村信用合作社 Guan mazhuang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200190 固安县彭村农村信用合作社 Guan duliu Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200204 固安县玉井路农村信用合作社 Guan Peng village RCCs
402146200237 固安县新中街农村信用合作社 Guan Yujing Road Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146200270 固安县固安镇农村信用社 Guan New Street RCC
402146200315 固安县固安镇农村信用社兴安分社 Guan Zhen solid rural credit cooperatives
402146200331 固安县知子营农村信用合作社 Solid Guan Zhen Xing Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146300027 永清县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Guan Tomoko camp RCC
402146300035 永清县建设道农村信用合作社 Yongqing RCCU Sales
402146300060 永清县永清镇农村信用合作社 RCCs Yongqing Road construction
402146300117 永清县养马庄农村信用合作社 Yongqing Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146300125 永清县大辛阁农村信用合作社 Yongqing horse village rural credit cooperatives
402146300133 永清县北辛六农村信用合作社 Yongqing big Xin Genong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146300141 永清县曹家务农村信用合作社 Yongqing North Xin six rural credit cooperatives
402146300168 永清县管家务农村信用合作社 Cao Yongqing RCCs housework
402146300176 永清县韩村农村信用合作社 Yongqing pipe housework Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146300184 永清县别古庄农村信用合作社 Yongqing Hancun RCCs
402146300192 永清县前第五农村信用合作社 Do Yongqing ancient village of rural credit cooperatives
402146300205 永清县里澜城农村信用合作社 Before Yongqing fifth RCC
402146300213 永清县后奕农村信用合作社 Yongqing County Rural Credit Cooperative in Lan City
402146300221 永清县龙虎庄农村信用合作社 After Wilson RCCs Yongqing
402146300230 永清县三圣口农村信用合作社 Yongqing dragon village RCCs
402146300248 永清县刘街农村信用合作社 Liu Yongqing Street RCC
402146400020 香河县淑阳农村信用合作社 Yongqing Trinity mouth RCC
402146400087 香河县金辛庄农村信用合作社 Shu Yang Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400100 香河县大罗屯农村信用合作社 Xinzhuang Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400126 香河县钳屯农村信用合作社 Luo Tunnong Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400134 香河县渠口农村信用合作社 Xianghe County clamp Tuen Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400142 香河县东鲁家口农村信用合作社 Xianghe County drains Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400159 香河县石虎辛庄农村信用合作社 Lu Jia Kou Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400167 香河县钱旺农村信用合作社 Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives tigers Daxinzhuang
402146400175 香河县刘宋农村信用合作社 Qian Wang Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400183 香河县安头屯农村信用合作社 Liu Song Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400191 香河县五百户农村信用合作社 An Toutun Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400206 香河县香城屯农村信用合作社 Five hundred Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400214 香河县李庄农村信用合作社 Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperative Tun Hong City
402146400222 香河县蒋辛屯农村信用合作社 Li Zhuang Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400239 香河县梁家务农村信用合作社 Jiang Xin Tunnong Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400247 香河县安平农村信用合作社 Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives Liang housework
402146400263 香河县王家摆农村信用合作社 Anping Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400271 香河县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Xianghe County Royal swing Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400280 香河县鑫鑫农村信用合作社 Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402146400298 香河县府前街农村信用合作社 Xianghe County Xinxin Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146400302 香河县金隆农村信用合作社 Fuqian Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500012 大城县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Long Xianghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500053 大城县平舒农村信用合作社 The County RCCU Sales
402146500088 大城县大童子农村信用合作社 The County Rural Credit Cooperatives Weipingshu
402146500096 大城县大阜村农村信用合作社 Big big boy County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500107 大城县刘固献农村信用合作社 The County Dafu Village Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500115 大城县王香屯农村信用合作社 Dacheng Liu solid offer rural credit cooperatives
402146500123 大城县大尚屯农村信用社合作社 Dacheng Wang Xiang Tun Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500131 大城县北位农村信用合作社 The County of Big Shang Tunnong RCCs cooperatives
402146500140 大城县郑家村农村信用合作社 The County of North digit RCC
402146500158 大城县阜草农村信用合作社 The County Cheng Ka RCC
402146500182 大城县留各庄农村信用合作社 Large grass mound County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500203 大城县位敢农村信用合作社 The County Rural Credit Cooperatives liugezhuang
402146500211 大城县大广安农村信用合作社 Dacheng bit dare RCC
402146500220 大城县权村农村信用合作社 Great big Guang’an County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500238 大城县南赵扶农村信用合作社 The County Rural Credit Cooperatives village right
402146500246 大城县大流漂农村信用合作社 Nan Zhao Dacheng help rural credit cooperatives
402146500254 大城县臧屯农村信用合作社 The County Rural Credit Cooperatives crowd drift
402146500262 大城县里坦农村信用合作社 The County Zangtun Nong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500279 大城县王文农村信用合作社 Tanzanian city of the county Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146500287 大城县旺村农村信用合作社 Dacheng Wang rural credit cooperatives
402146600013 文安县农村信用合作社联合社 The County Wangcun Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146600021 河北省文安县孙氏农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS RCCU
402146600048 河北省文安县辛庄农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS Hebei Province Rural Credit Cooperatives Sun
402146600056 河北省文安县十字街农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS Hebei Province Rural Credit Cooperatives Xinzhuang
402146600072 河北省文安县西街农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Cross Street RCC
402146600097 河北省文安县滩里农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS Hebei Province Rural Credit Cooperatives West
402146600110 河北省文安县德归农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Beach in Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146600128 河北省文安县新镇农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Germany to Rural Credit
402146600152 河北省文安县大围河农村信用社 Hebei ANALYSIS new town RCCs
402146600169 河北省文安县大柳河农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Tai Wai River Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146600185 河北省文安县兴隆宫农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS Hebei Province Rural Credit Cooperatives big Liuhe
402146600208 河北省文安县史各庄农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Palace booming rural credit cooperatives
402146600216 河北省文安县文安镇农村信用合作社 Hebei Province Rural Credit history ANALYSIS Coal
402146600257 河北省文安县大留镇农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Wen Town Rural Credit
402146600273 河北省文安县高头农村信用合作社 RCCs big left town in Hebei Province ANALYSIS
402146600290 河北省文安县中心街农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS high head RCCs
402146600312 河北省文安县赵各庄农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS Hebei Province Rural Credit Cooperatives Center Street
402146600345 河北省文安县龙街农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS Hebei Province Rural Credit Cooperatives Zhaogezhuang
402146600361 河北省文安县苏桥农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Lung Street RCC
402146600396 河北省文安县左各庄农村信用合作社 Hebei ANALYSIS Su Qiaonong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146600423 河北省文安县急流口农村信用合作社 ANALYSIS Hebei Province Rural Credit Cooperatives zuogezhuang
402146700014 河北省霸州市农村信用合作社联合社 Hebei ANALYSIS Rapids mouth RCC
402146700022 霸州市霸州镇农村信用合作社 Bazhou RCCU
402146700102 霸州市康仙庄农村信用合作社 Bazhou Bazhou Town, Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700135 霸州市老堤农村信用合作社 Bazhou Kang Xian Zhuang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700178 霸州市岔河集农村信用合作社 Bazhou old dike RCC
402146700194 霸州市南孟农村信用合作社 Bazhou Chaheji Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700225 霸州市煎茶铺农村信用合作社 Bazhou Nanmeng RCC
402146700250 霸州市东杨庄农村信用合作社 Bazhou jianchapu RCC
402146700276 霸州市信安农村信用合作社 Bazhou East Yangzhuang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700305 霸州市堂二里农村信用合作社 Pa City Principal Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700330 霸州市东段农村信用合作社 Pa Tang’erli Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700372 霸州市辛章农村信用合作社 Bazhou East Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700401 霸州市杨芬港农村信用合作社 Bazhou Xin Zhang RCC
402146700444 霸州市胜芳农村信用合作社 Bazhou Yang Fen Gang RCC
402146700581 霸州市王庄子农村信用合作社 Pa Shengfang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700590 河北省霸州市胜芳开发区农村信用社 Bazhou Wang Zi RCC
402146700637 河北省霸州市钟楼农村信用社 Bazhou Shengfang Development of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700661 霸州市开发区农村信用合作社 Bazhou Belfry Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146700707 河北省霸州市兴华路农村信用社 RCCs Bazhou Development Zone
402146700731 霸州市农村信用联社第二营业部 Bazhou Xinghua Rural Credit Cooperatives
402146800023 大厂回族自治县城关农村信用合作社 Bazhou second business department of rural credit cooperatives
402146800031 大厂回族自治县夏垫农村信用合作社 Dachang Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Chengguan
402146800040 大厂回族自治县祁各庄农村信用合作社 Dachang Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Xiadian
402146800058 大厂回族自治县陈府农村信用合作社 Dachang Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Qi Coal
402146800066 大厂回族自治县邵府农村信用合作社 Dachang Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Chen Fu
402146800074 大厂回族自治县王必屯农村信用合作社 Dachang Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Shao House
402146800082 大厂回族自治县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Dachang Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives king shall Tun
402148001015 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社营业部 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Sales
402148001023 衡水市农村信用合作社联合社资金营运中心 Dachang Hui Autonomous County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402148001031 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社大麻森信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union marijuana Tucson Credit Union
402148001040 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社河东信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Hedong Credit Union
402148001058 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社河西信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Hexi Credit Union
402148001066 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社人民路信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Renmin Road Credit Union
402148001074 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社车站信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Station Credit Union
402148001082 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社利民路信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Association Credit Union Limin Road
402148001099 衡水市桃城区农村信用合社联社红旗大街信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Union Lloyd Hongqi Street Credit Union
402148001103 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社邓家庄信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Deng Village Credit Union
402148001111 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社赵家圈信用社 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Zhao Circle Credit Union
402148001195 衡水市桃城区农村信用合作联社清算中心 Taocheng District Rural Credit Cooperative Union Clearing House
402148001200 深州市农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Hengshui City RCCU fund operation center
402148001218 故城县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Shenzhen City RCCU Sales
402148001226 景县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Gucheng RCCU Sales
402148001234 阜城县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 King County RCCU Sales
402148001242 武强县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Fucheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402148001259 冀州市农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Wuqiang RCCU Sales
402148001267 枣强县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Jizhou RCCU Sales
402148001275 武邑县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 ZaoQiang RCCU Sales
402148001283 饶阳县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Wuyi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402148001291 安平县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Raoyang RCCU Sales
402148002018 冀州市周村农村信用合作社 Anping RCCU Sales
402148002026 冀州市码头李农村信用合作社 Jizhou City Zhoucun Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148002034 冀州市南午村农村信用合作社 Li Jizhou City Pier Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148003019 枣强县大营农村信用合作社 Jizhou City Southern afternoon village RCCs
402148003027 枣强县建设南路农村信用合作社 Zaoqiang Camp Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148004013 武邑县清凉店农村信用合作社 Road construction ZaoQiang RCC
402148005016 深州市辰时农村信用合作社 Wuyi County Rural Credit Cooperatives cool store
402148005024 深州市前么头农村信用合作社 Shenzhen City chenshi Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148005032 深州市王家井农村信用合作社 Shenzhen City before it heads RCC
402148006011 武强县孙庄农村信用合作社 Shenzhen City Royal Well RCC
402148007014 饶阳县大官亭农村信用合作社 Wuqiang County Rural Credit Cooperatives Sunzhuang
402148008017 安平县河漕农村信用合作社 Raoyang high official pavilion RCC
402148008025 安平县为民街农村信用合作社 Anping River canal Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148009010 故城县饶阳店农村信用合作社 Weimin Street Anping County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148009028 故城县建国农村信用合作社 Gucheng Raoyang shop RCC
402148010018 景县龙华农村信用合作社 Gucheng founding of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148010026 景县广川农村信用合作社 Longhua King County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148010034 景县梁集农村信用合作社 Hirokawa King County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148011019 阜城县古城农村信用合作社 Liang Jinong King County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402148011027 阜城县府前路农村信用合作社 The ancient city of Fucheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161002035 太原市小店区亲贤农村信用合作社 Fucheng county Rural Credit Cooperatives Anterior
402161002086 太原市迎泽区郝庄农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Xiaodian pro-Yin RCC
402161002184 太原市尖草坪区新城农村信用合作社 Yingze Haozhuang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161002221 太原市万柏林区西铭农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Jiancaoping District Metro Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161002256 太原市万柏林区小井峪农村信用合作社 Wanbailin Ximing District Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161002264 太原市万柏林区后王农村信用合作社 Wanbailin District Rural Credit Cooperatives slim valley
402161002289 太原市万柏林区东社农村信用合作社 After Wanbailin district Wang rural credit cooperatives
402161002336 太原市城区农村信用合作社联合社 Wanbailin East Rural Credit Cooperatives Society
402161002352 山西省农村信用社联合社资金清算中心 Shanxi Rural Credit Cooperatives fund settlement center
402161003013 太原市清徐县城关农村信用合作社 Taiyuan City RCCU
402161003048 太原市清徐县东于农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Qingxu County Commissioner of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161003056 山西太原市清徐县马峪农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Qingxu County, the rural credit cooperatives
402161003064 山西省太原市清徐县集义农村信用合作社 Qingxu County, Shanxi Taiyuan Valley Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161003072 山西省太原市清徐县清徐农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Qingxu County Rural Credit Cooperatives set justice
402161003101 太原市清徐县徐沟农村信用合作社 Qingxu County Qingxu Taiyuan, Shanxi Province Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161003136 太原市清徐县王答农村信用合作社 Xu ditch Taiyuan Qingxu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161003152 太原市清徐县农村信用合作社联合社 A Wang Taiyuan Qingxu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161004016 阳曲县农村信用合作社联合社 Taiyuan Qingxu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402161005134 太原市古交市农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Yangqu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402161006127 太原市娄烦县农村信用合作社联合社 Taiyuan Gujiao City RCCU Sales
402161011013 太原市小店区小店农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Loufan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402161011021 太原市小店区黄陵农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Xiaodian shop RCC
402161011048 太原市小店区西温庄农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Xiaodian Huangling RCC
402161011064 太原市小店区北格农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Xiaodian West Vancouver village RCCs
402161011101 太原市杏花岭区中涧河农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Xiaodian North Georgia Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161011136 太原市尖草坪区向阳农村信用合作社 Taiyuan City Xiangyang Jiancaoping District Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161011208 太原市尖草坪区阳曲农村信用合作社 Taiyuan Yangqu Jiancaoping District Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161011216 太原市迎泽区西羊市农村信用合作社 Xinghualing in Jianhe RCCs
402161011290 太原市晋源区晋源农村信用合作社 Sheep City Yingze West Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161011304 太原市晋源区晋祠农村信用合作社 Jinyuan District in Taiyuan Jinyuan Rural Credit Cooperatives
402161012354 太原市城区农村信用合作社联合社高新技术开发区分社 Jinyuan District in Taiyuan Jinci Rural Credit Cooperatives
402162002029 大同市南郊区农村信用合作社联合社 Taiyuan City RCCU tech Development Zone Branch
402162002037 大同市新荣区农村信用合作社联合社 Southern suburb of Datong RCCU
402162002045 大同市阳高县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Xinrong District Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402162002053 大同市浑源县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Yanggao County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402162002061 大同市农村信用社结算部 Datong Hunyuan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402162002070 大同市左云县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Settlement Department of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402162002088 大同市广灵县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Zuoyun RCCU
402162002096 大同市大同县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Guangling County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402162002107 大同市灵邱县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Datong County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402162002115 大同市天镇县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Lingqiu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402163002129 平定县农村信用合作社联合社 Datong Tianzhen County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402163002137 盂县农村信用合作社联合社 Pingding County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402163002145 阳泉市郊区农村信用合作社联合社 Yuxian RCCU
402164002155 长治市城区农村信用合作社联合社 Yangquan Suburban Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402164002163 长治市郊区农村信用合作社联合社 Changzhi City RCCU
402164002171 长治县农村信用合作社联合社 Changzhi City suburb RCCU
402164002180 山西省潞城市农村信用联社 Lucheng, Shanxi Province Rural Credit
402164002198 屯留县农村信用合作社联合社 Changzhi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402164002202 长子县农村信用合作社联合社 Tunliu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402164002219 壶关县农村信用合作社联合社 The eldest son of the county RCCU
402164002227 平顺县农村信用合作社联合社 Huguan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402164002235 黎城县农村信用合作社联合社 Pingshun RCCU
402164002243 武乡县农村信用合作社联合社 Lebanon County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402164002251 襄垣县农村信用合作社联合社 Wuxiang County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402164002260 沁县农村信用合作社联合社 Xiangyuan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402164002278 沁源县农村信用合作社联合社 Qin County RCCU
402168002824 晋城城区农村信用合作社联合社 Qinyuan RCCU
402168002832 泽州县农村信用合作社联合社 Jincheng City RCCU
402168002849 高平市农村信用合作社联合社 Zezhou RCCU
402168002857 阳城县农村信用合作社联合社 Gaoping RCCU
402168002865 陵川县农村信用合作社联合社 Yangcheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402168002873 沁水县农村信用合作社联合社 Lingchuan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402169003028 朔州市朔城区农村信用合作社联合社 Qinshui County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402169003036 朔州市平鲁区农村信用合作社联合社 Shuozhou Schomburg City RCCU
402169003044 朔州市山阴县农村信用合作社联合社 Shuozhou Ping Lu District Rural Credit Cooperatives
402169003052 朔州市应县农村信用合作社联合社 Shuozhou Sanin County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402169003069 朔州市怀仁县农村信用合作社联合社 Shuozhou should County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402169003077 山西省右玉县农村信用合作社联合社 Shuozhou Huairen RCCU
402169056060 山西省朔州市朔城区开发路农村信用合作社 Youyu County, Shanxi Province Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002889 忻州市农村信用合作社联合社(不对外办理业务) Xinzhou City RCCU (not outside for business)
402171002897 忻州市定襄县农村信用合作社联合社 Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province Rural Credit Cooperatives new city development path
402171002901 忻州市五台县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou Dingxiang County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002910 忻州市五寨县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou Wutai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002928 原平市农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou Wuzhai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002936 忻州市代县农村信用合作社联合社 Yuanping City RCCU
402171002944 忻州市繁峙县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou City on behalf of the County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002952 忻州市宁武县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou city Fanshi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002969 忻州市静乐县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou City Ningwu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002977 忻州市神池县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou Jingle RCCU
402171002985 忻州市岢岚县农村信用合作社联合社 Strom Xinzhou County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171002993 忻州市河曲县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou City Kelan RCCU
402171003003 忻州市保德县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou City Hequ Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171003011 忻州市偏关县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou Baode County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402171003020 忻州市忻府区农村信用合作社联合社 Xinzhou pianguan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002399 吕梁市兴县农村信用合作社联合社 Xinfu District Xinzhou City Rural Credit Cooperatives
402173002403 吕梁市岚县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City Xing County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002411 吕梁市交城县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City Lanxian RCCU
402173002420 吕梁市文水县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City Jiaocheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002438 吕梁市汾阳市农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City Wenshui County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002446 吕梁市孝义市农村信用合作社联合社 Fenyang City, Luliang City Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002454 吕梁市交口县农村信用合作社联合社 Xiaoyi City, Luliang City Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002462 吕梁市中阳县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang Jiaokou County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002479 吕梁市石楼县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002487 吕梁市柳林县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City stone floor County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002495 吕梁市临县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City Liulin County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002500 吕梁市方山县农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City Linxian County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402173002518 吕梁市离石区农村信用合作社联合社 Luliang City Fangshan RCCU
402173056260 山西吕梁市城中信用社 Luliang City Lishi District Rural Credit Cooperatives
402175002281 晋中市榆社县农村信用合作社联合社 Shanxi Luliang City city credit cooperatives
402175002290 晋中市左权县农村信用合作社联合社 Jinzhong Yushe County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002304 晋中市和顺县农村信用合作社联合社 Jinzhong City, Zuoquan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002312 晋中市寿阳县农村信用合作社联合社 Jinzhong City, Heshun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002329 晋中市榆次区农村信用合作社联合社 Shouyang County of Jinzhong City, Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002337 晋中市太谷县农村信用合作社联合社 Yuci district of Jinzhong City, Rural Credit Cooperatives
402175002345 晋中市祁县农村信用合作社联合社 Jinzhong city Taigu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002353 晋中市平遥县农村信用合作社联合社 Jinzhong Qixian RCCU
402175002361 晋中市介休市农村信用合作社联合社 Pingyao County, Jinzhong City, Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002370 晋中市灵石县农村信用合作社联合社 Jiexiu City in Jinzhong City, Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002388 晋中市昔阳县农村信用合作社联合社 Lingshi County, Jinzhong City, Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402175002396 山西晋中榆次开发区农村信用合作社联合社 Jinzhong Xiyang County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002523 临汾市尧都区农村信用合作社联合社 Jinzhong Yuci Rural Credit Cooperatives Development
402177002531 侯马市农村信用合作社联合社 Yaodu District Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002540 霍州市农村信用合作社联合社 Houma RCCU
402177002558 曲沃县农村信用合作社联合社 Huozhou RCCU
402177002566 翼城县农村信用合作社联合社 Quwo RCCU
402177002574 襄汾县农村信用合作社联合社 Yicheng RCCU
402177002582 洪洞县农村信用合作社联合社 Xiangfen County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002599 山西省临汾市古县农村信用合作社联合社 Linfen City, County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002603 安泽县农村信用合作社联合社 Anze County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002611 浮山县农村信用合作社联合社 Fushan RCCU
402177002620 吉县农村信用合作社联合社 Ji RCCU
402177002638 乡宁县农村信用合作社联合社 Xiangning County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002646 蒲县农村信用合作社联合社 PuXian RCCU
402177002654 山西省大宁县农村信用合作社联合社 Daning County of Shanxi Rural Credit Cooperatives
402177002662 山西省永和县农村信用合作社联合社 Shanxi Yonghe County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002679 山西省隰县农村信用合作社联合社 Xi County of Shanxi Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402177002687 山西省汾西县农村信用合作社联合社 Shanxi Fenxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402181000012 盐湖区东城农村信用合作社 Yanhuqu East Rural Credit Cooperatives
402181000029 盐湖区东城农村信用合作社河东路分社 Yanhuqu East RCCs East Road Branch
402181000037 盐湖区东城农村信用合作社太风路储蓄所 East RCCs too yanhuqu air duct bank
402181000045 盐湖区东城信用社红旗东街储蓄所 East Hongqi Street yanhuqu Credit Union Bank
402181000053 盐湖区东城农村信用合作社人民路分社 Yanhuqu East Renmin Road Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402181000061 盐湖区西城农村信用合作社 Yanhu West Rural Credit Cooperatives
402181000070 盐湖区西城农村信用合作社道西分社 Yanhu West RCCs Road West Branch
402181000088 盐湖区西城农村信用合作社西郊储蓄所 Yanhu West Bank rural credit cooperatives in the western suburbs
402181000096 盐湖区南城农村信用合作社 Yanhuqu Nancheng RCCs
402181000107 盐湖区南城农村信用合作社南环西路分社 Yanhuqu Nancheng Branch RCCs West South Central
402181000115 盐湖区北城农村信用合作社 Yanhuqu North City Rural Credit Cooperatives
402181000123 盐湖区北城农村信用合作社工农路储蓄所 Yanhuqu North City workers and peasants Road Rural Credit Bank
402181000131 盐湖区北城农村信用合作社原王庄分社 Yanhuqu North City Branch RCCs original wangzhuang
402181000140 盐湖区北城农村信用合作社禹西路分社 Yanhuqu North City Rural Credit Yu Road Branch
402181000158 盐湖区北城农村信用合作社黄河大道分社 Yanhuqu North City Rural Credit Huanghe Road Branch
402181000166 盐湖区禹都农村信用合作社副食街分社 Yanhuqu Yu Dounong Rural Credit Cooperatives deputy Shijie Branch
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