Template certificate of return of company equipment

In the situation when equipment is returned to a company after an employee does not need it anymore, records should be similar to those issued when equipment is given away, with a written certificate, also called receipt.

It must be noted that these equipment are usually laptops, vehicles, safety equipment, cell phones, keys, or passes.

The following items are to be mentioned :

  • a precise description of the assigned equipment (make, model, color, etc.),
  • serial number or series number,
  • possible reservations about the state and performance of the equipment.

The document is to be signed by the person in charge, who will hand the original to the employee and keep a copy for the company.

Certificate that company equipment has been returned
Example of a certificate of return of equipment

Another possible option is to take the first document issued at the time the equipment was first assigned to the employee, copy it, and write over it, mentioning « returned on + date » and sign it on behalf of the company.

Example for a certificate that company equipment has been returned

<On company letterhead paper>

I, the undersigned, <Name and firstname>, <position> of the company <Name of the company>, based at <Address of the company or branch> certifies that Mr./Mrs. (1) <Name and firstname> has returned the following pieces of equipment :

On <Date>:

  • Date of delivery to employee: <To be completed>,
  • Make : <To be completed>,
  • Model of the car or vehicle: <To be completed>,
  • colour : <To be completed>,
  • Series or serial number of the equipment: <To be completed>,
  • description of the equipment: <To be completed>,
  • remarks about the state and performance of the equipment: <To be completed>.

Certificate made in <City>, on <Today’s date>.

<Name and firstname>

<Position in the company>


To use and personalize this template of the certificate that company equipment has been returned, you only have to copy-paste the text of the article in your word processor (Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer). You can also download it for free, and complete our PDF template: Example of a certificate of return of equipment – PDF format.

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The editorial staff of the Juristique website brings together specialists in law, human resources, and taxation. We regularly publish models of certificates, letters, contracts, and the last conventional salary scales in 2025 to meet companies' needs. We also publish articles on legal news and banking indices, such as SWIFT and CNAPS codes for international transfers.

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