Certificate of consent before sexual intercourse

Consent before sexual intercourse is at the heart of the current news. Indeed, it is full of repeated sexual scandals involving celebrities from the world of media and politics (Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Sean Combs alias P. Diddy, Matt Gaetz, or Strauss-Kahn). #MeToo.

A common point in all these cases: the victims wake up years after the facts and accuse their ex-partner of sexual abuse or rape. Often, these cases can no longer even be judged because of the statute of limitations (20 to 30 years, depending on the nature of the facts).

In this, French society is increasingly similar to American culture. Sexual relations with an individual become an instrument of power over the other with the pending threat of legal proceedings years after the meeting. Faced with these risks, Americans try to protect themselves and increasingly formalize their sexual relations to face the legal risk.

Template certificate of consent for sexual intercourse
Download a template of the certificate of consent before sexual intercourse

Precautions are necessary to prevent the one-day accomplice with whom we spent good times under the covers from becoming your future accuser. It is already a question of keeping a written record of all the preliminaries to the meeting and having the one who will be the object of all your physical attention sign a certificate of consent.

Example of a certificate of consent before sexual intercourse

I, the undersigned <First and last name>, born on <Date of birth>, in <Place of birth>, certify that I have met Mr., Mrs. (1) <First and last name>, born on <Date of birth>, in <Place of birth> in complete freedom.

Following this meeting, we are considering the following freely consented sexual relations: <Description of the envisaged relations>.

Since mutual attraction may intensify during intercourse, activities of a type other than those specified in the paragraph above are presumed to have been freely accepted by mutual verbal agreement.

Any act of violence that may cause physical trauma is excluded from this agreement and may give rise to the filing of a complaint.

It was done at <City>, on <Today’s Date>.

To serve and assert what is right.

<First and last name>,
<First and last name>,

(1): delete unnecessary mentions

Download a certificate of consent before sexual intercourse

To use and personalize this consent certificate template before sexual intercourse, you have to copy-paste the text of this article into your word processor (Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer) or your email program. Download the PDF Sample:

Certificate of consent before sexual intercourse

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Specialist in finance and taxation from my professional activity and university formation, I share my knowledge and experience on the Juristique website. I regularly publish economic indexes such as SYNTEC index, BT01, ILAT, construction and rent reference indexes, and banking tools like SWIFT Codes or CNAPS Codes for international wire transfers.

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