Codes Cnaps Rural Commercial Banks 农村商业银行 – page 22

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Liste des Codes Cnaps des Rural Commercial Banks 农村商业银行, China National Automatic Payment System 中国现代化支付系统号 pour les paiements en chine continentale :

Liste des Codes Cnaps des Rural Commercial Banks 农村商业银行– page 22 sur 34

Code Cnaps


Nom de la banque

402397376857 南安市梅山农村信用合作社 Nan’an Meishan Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397376865 南安市梅山农村信用合作社谯塘分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives Qiao Tong Meishan Branch
402397376873 南安市梅山农村信用合作社芸美分社 Nan’an Meishan Yun US Rural Credit bureaus
402397376881 南安市梅山农村信用合作社竞丰分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives Jing Feng Meishan Branch
402397376890 南安市梅山农村信用合作社蓉中分社 Nan’an Meishan rural credit cooperatives in Chengdu Branch
402397376912 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives honglai
402397376929 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社四都分社 Nanan City honglai rural credit cooperatives all four branch
402397376937 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社东大路分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives honglai Eastern Parkway Branch
402397376945 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社同安分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives honglai Tongan Branch
402397376953 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社谯琉分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives honglai sulfur Qiao Branch
402397376961 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社古山分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives honglai Gushan Branch
402397376970 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社东溪分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives DONGXI honglai Branch
402397376988 南安市洪濑农村信用合作社东区分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives honglai Eastern Branch
402397377000 南安市洪梅农村信用合作社 Nanan City, Mei Hong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397377018 南安市洪梅农村信用合作社六都分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives Liudu Branch Hongmei
402397377026 南安市洪梅农村信用合作社新联分社 Nanan City, Mei Hong Rural Credit Union branch new
402397377042 南安市康美农村信用合作社 Nanan City, Kang Meinong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397377059 南安市康美农村信用合作社福铁分社 Nanan Fu Kang Meinong Rural Credit Cooperatives iron Branch
402397377067 南安市康美农村信用合作社玲内分社 Nanan Ling Kang Meinong Rural Credit Cooperatives in the branch
402397377075 南安市康美农村信用合作社东青分社 Nanan City, Kang Meinong Rural Credit Cooperatives East Green Branch
402397377106 南安市丰州农村信用合作社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives fengzhou
402397377114 南安市丰州农村信用合作社石砻分社 Nanan City, State Fung stone mill Rural Credit bureaus
402397377122 南安市丰州农村信用合作社杏光分社 Nanan City, State Fung apricot light Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397377139 南安市丰州农村信用合作社四甲分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives fengzhou tetramethylammonium Branch
402397377147 南安市丰州农村信用合作社霞美分社 Nanan Feng Xia US State Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397377155 南安市丰州农村信用合作社邱钟分社 Nanan City, State Fung Chiu Chung Rural Credit bureaus
402397377163 南安市丰州农村信用合作社玉湖分社 Nanan City, State Fung Yuhu Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397377180 南安市丰州农村信用合作社霞星分社 Nanan City, State Fung Rural Credit Xia Xing Branch
402397377202 南安市官桥农村信用合作社 Nanan guanqiao Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397377219 南安市官桥农村信用合作社下洋分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives under the foreign branch guanqiao
402397377227 南安市官桥农村信用合作社漳里分社 Nanan guanqiao rural credit cooperatives in Zhangzhou Branch
402397377235 南安市官桥农村信用合作社黄山分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives guanqiao Huangshan Branch
402397377243 南安市官桥农村信用合作社内厝分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives in the house guanqiao Branch
402397377251 南安市官桥农村信用合作社岭兜分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives guanqiao Lingdou Branch
402397377260 南安市官桥农村信用合作社新圩分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives guanqiao xinxu Branch
402397377286 南安市水头农村信用合作社 Nanan City head RCCs
402397377294 南安市水头农村信用合作社文斗分社 Nanan City head RCCs Wendou Branch
402397377309 南安市水头农村信用合作社朴新分社 Nanan City head RCCs Park New Branch
402397377317 南安市水头农村信用合作社大盈分社 Nanan City head RCCs Daying Branch
402397377325 南安市水头农村信用合作社朴里分社 Nanan City head RCCs Park Lane Branch
402397377333 南安市水头农村信用合作社江霞分社 Nanan City, Xia Jiang Branch Head of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397377341 南安市水头农村信用合作社蟠龙分社 Nanan City head RCCs Beaulieu Branch
402397377350 南安市水头农村信用合作社厦盛分社 Nanan City head RCCs Ha Sheng Branch
402397377368 南安市水头农村信用合作社下店分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives under head shop branch
402397377376 南安市水头农村信用合作社埕边分社 Nanan City head RCCs courtyard side branch
402397377384 南安市水头农村信用合作社侨美分社 Nanan City head overseas US Rural Credit bureaus
402397377405 南安市石井农村信用合作社 Nanan City Ishii Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397377413 南安市石井农村信用合作社紫阳分社 Nanan City Ishii rural credit cooperatives Ziyang Branch
402397377421 南安市石井农村信用合作社佬港分社 Nanan City Ishii rural credit cooperatives guy Kong Branch
402397377430 南安市石井农村信用合作社郭前分社 Nanan City Ishii Guo former Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397377448 南安市石井农村信用合作社溪东分社 Nanan City Ishii Rural Credit River East Branch
402397377456 南安市石井农村信用合作社联丰分社 Nanan City Ishii abundance of Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397377464 南安市石井农村信用合作社奎霞分社 Nanan City Ishii rural credit cooperatives Kui Xia Branch
402397377472 南安市石井农村信用合作社成功分社 Nanan City Ishii successful rural credit cooperatives Branch
402397377489 南安市石井农村信用合作社菊江分社 Nanan City Ishii rural credit cooperatives Ju River Branch
402397377510 南安市金华农村信用合作社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives Jinhua
402397377528 南安市金华农村信用合作社溪美新村分社 Nanan City, rural credit cooperatives Jinhua Branch Creek Village United States
402397377552 南安市农村信用合作社联合社东区分社 Nan’an RCCU Eastern Branch
402397478046 安溪县农村信用合作社联合社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402397478062 安溪县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402397478079 安溪县农村信用合作社联合社北石分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Northern Rock branch
402397478095 安溪县城厢农村信用合作社 Chengxiang Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478100 安溪县城厢农村信用合作社后垵分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Chengxiang after Wai Branch
402397478118 安溪县城厢农村信用合作社仙苑分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Sin Yuen branch of Chengxiang
402397478126 安溪县城厢农村信用合作社长泰分社 Chengxiang Changtai Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397478134 安溪县城厢农村信用合作社美法分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives, American and French branch of Chengxiang
402397478167 安溪县参内农村信用合作社 Anxi County participate in the Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478175 安溪县参内农村信用合作社罗内分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Senate Lone Branch
402397478191 安溪县龙门农村信用合作社 Anxi Longmen County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478206 安溪县龙门农村信用合作社寮山分社 Anxi County Longmen Shan Liu Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397478239 安溪县官桥农村信用合作社 Anxi county magistrate bridge RCC
402397478247 安溪县官桥农村信用合作社吾都分社 Anxi county magistrate bridge RCCs have Branch
402397478255 安溪县官桥农村信用合作社赤岭分社 Anxi county magistrate bridge RCCs Akamine Branch
402397478271 安溪县虎邱农村信用合作社 Huqiu Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478280 安溪县虎邱农村信用合作社金榜分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives bang Huqiu Branch
402397478298 安溪县虎邱农村信用合作社罗岩分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Huqiu Luo Yan Branch
402397478319 安溪县大坪农村信用合作社 Daping Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478335 安溪县西坪农村信用合作社 Xiping Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478351 安溪县龙涓农村信用合作社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Long Juan
402397478360 安溪县龙涓农村信用合作社三乡分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Long trickle Sango branch
402397478378 安溪县龙涓农村信用合作社举溪分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives held trickle Long Branch Creek
402397478394 安溪县芦田农村信用合作社 Ashida Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478417 安溪县尚卿农村信用合作社 Shangqing Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478425 安溪县尚卿农村信用合作社科名分社 Shangqing Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch Family Name
402397478441 安溪县魁斗农村信用合作社 Kuidou Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478468 安溪县金谷农村信用合作社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Valley
402397478476 安溪县金谷农村信用合作社元口分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives yuan mouth Valley Branch
402397478484 安溪县金谷农村信用合作社东溪分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives DONGXI Valley Branch
402397478505 安溪县蓬莱农村信用合作社 Anxi County Penglai Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478513 安溪县蓬莱农村信用合作社联美分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Union Penglai US Branch
402397478521 安溪县蓬莱农村信用合作社新林分社 Anxi County, New Forest branch Penglai Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478530 安溪县蓬莱农村信用合作社龙居分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Dragon Inn Penglai Branch
402397478556 安溪县湖头农村信用合作社 Lake head Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478564 安溪县湖头农村信用合作社上田分社 Lake head Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Ueda Branch
402397478589 安溪县湖上农村信用合作社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Lake
402397478601 安溪县蓝田农村信用合作社 Anxi County Lantian Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478628 安溪县长坑农村信用合作社 Hang Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478636 安溪县长坑农村信用合作社南斗分社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives south fighting pit Branch
402397478652 安溪县祥华农村信用合作社 Cheung Wah Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478677 安溪县剑斗农村信用合作社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives sword fighting
402397478693 安溪县感德农村信用合作社 Flu Germany Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478708 安溪县感德农村信用合作社霞春分社 Flu Germany Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Xia Spring Branch
402397478716 安溪县感德农村信用合作社福田分社 Flu Germany Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Futian Branch
402397478732 安溪县桃舟农村信用合作社 Peach Zhou Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397478757 安溪县商联农村信用合作社 Anxi County Rural Credit Cooperatives Business Alliance
402397478765 安溪县商联农村信用合作社城东分社 Anxi County East Branch Commercial Union Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579044 永春县农村信用合作社联合社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402397579069 永春县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402397579077 永春县农村信用合作社联合社桃城分社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Peach City Branch
402397579093 永春县一都农村信用合作社 Yongchun County are rural credit cooperatives
402397579116 永春县横口农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives transverse port
402397579149 永春县下洋农村信用合作社 Under the ocean Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579157 永春县下洋农村信用合作社新街分社 Rural Credit Cooperatives under the ocean Yongchun County Street Branch
402397579165 永春县下洋农村信用合作社曲斗分社 Rural Credit Cooperatives under the ocean Yongchun County Branch fight song
402397579204 永春县坑仔口农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Kengzi mouth
402397579229 永春县玉斗农村信用合作社 Yu-Doo Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579245 永春县桂洋农村信用合作社 Gui Yang Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579261 永春县锦斗农村信用合作社 Doo Jin Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579288 永春县呈祥农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Phoenix
402397579307 永春县苏坑农村信用合作社 Su Hang Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579323 永春县蓬壶农村信用合作社 Penghu Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579366 永春县达埔农村信用合作社 Yongchun county of Po Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579374 永春县达埔农村信用合作社延清分社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives of Po Yan Qing Branch
402397579382 永春县达埔农村信用合作社汉口分社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Hankou Branch of Po
402397579399 永春县达埔农村信用合作社达中分社 Yongchun County Rural Credit of up to Po in Branch
402397579454 永春县吾峰农村信用合作社 Wu Feng Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579487 永春县介福农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives mediated blessing
402397579500 永春县五里街农村信用合作社 Wuli Street Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579518 永春县五里街农村信用合作社街尾分社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives end of the street Wuli Street Branch
402397579559 永春县石鼓农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives shigu
402397579567 永春县石鼓农村信用合作社卿园分社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives shigu Branch State Park
402397579575 永春县石鼓农村信用合作社三桃分社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives three peach branch shigu
402397579591 永春县城关农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Commissioner of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579606 永春县城关农村信用合作社桃溪分社 Yongchun County Commissioner RCC taoxi Branch
402397579614 永春县城关农村信用合作社化龙分社 Yongchun County Commissioner of Rural Credit Cooperatives Long Branch
402397579663 永春县东平农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperative flat
402397579671 永春县东平农村信用合作社东关分社 Yongchun County level rural credit cooperatives Dongguan Branch
402397579702 永春县岵山农村信用合作社 Yongchun County wooded hill Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579735 永春县仙夹农村信用合作社 Yongchun cents folder Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579743 永春县仙夹农村信用合作社夹际分社 Yongchun cents folder inter-branch clip Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397579760 永春县湖洋农村信用合作社 Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives Huyang
402397579778 永春县湖洋农村信用合作社仙溪分社 Yang Yongchun County Rural Credit Cooperatives xianxi Lake Branch
402397698047 德化县农村信用合作社联合社 Dehua RCCU
402397698063 德化县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Dehua RCCU Sales
402397698071 德化县农村信用合作社联合社瓷城分社 RCCU Dehua porcelain city branch
402397698080 德化县农村信用合作社联合社诚信分社 Dehua RCCU integrity branch
402397698102 德化县浔中农村信用合作社 Jiujiang Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397698119 德化县浔中农村信用合作社西门分社 Jiujiang Dehua rural credit cooperatives Simon Branch
402397698127 德化县浔中农村信用合作社湖前分社 Jiujiang Dehua rural credit cooperatives lake front branch
402397698135 德化县浔中农村信用合作社南门分社 Jiujiang Dehua rural credit cooperatives South Gate Branch
402397698143 德化县浔中农村信用合作社城东分社 Jiujiang Dehua rural credit cooperatives in East Branch
402397698151 德化县浔中农村信用合作社龙门滩分社 Jiujiang Dehua rural credit cooperatives Longmentan Branch
402397698194 德化县盖德农村信用合作社 Gade Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397698217 德化县三班农村信用合作社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives in three shifts
402397698233 德化县雷峰农村信用合作社 Dehua Lei Fengnong Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397698250 德化县南埕农村信用合作社 Nancheng Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397698276 德化县水口农村信用合作社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives outlet
402397698292 德化县国宝农村信用合作社 David Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397698313 德化县赤水农村信用合作社 Dehua Chishui Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397698330 德化县美湖农村信用合作社 Maywood Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397698348 德化县美湖农村信用合作社阳山分社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives Yangshan Maywood Branch
402397698364 德化县大铭农村信用合作社 Daming Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397698389 德化县春美农村信用合作社 Harumi Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397698401 德化县上涌农村信用合作社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives on the Bay
402397698428 德化县桂阳农村信用合作社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives Guiyang
402397698444 德化县汤头农村信用合作社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives soup
402397698452 德化县汤头农村信用合作社岭脚分社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives soup Lingjiao Branch
402397698477 德化县葛坑农村信用合作社 Dehua rural credit cooperatives Ge pit
402397698493 德化县杨梅农村信用合作社 Bayberry Dehua rural credit cooperatives
402397875041 石狮市农村信用合作社联合社 Shishi RCCU
402397875068 石狮市农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Shishi RCCU Sales
402397875084 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875092 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社湖南分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives Hunan Branch
402397875105 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社塔前分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives tower before Branch
402397875113 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社杆头分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch head
402397875121 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社龟湖分社 Shishi Shishi Guihu Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875130 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社仑后分社 Shishi City Shishi rural credit cooperatives after Oakland Branch
402397875148 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社浦内分社 Shishi City Shishi rural credit cooperatives within the Branch Pu
402397875156 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社山兜分社 Shishi City, rural credit cooperatives mountain lions pocket Branch
402397875164 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社香江分社 Shishi City, Hong Kong Branch Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875172 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社曾坑分社 Shishi City Shishi rural credit cooperatives had pit Branch
402397875189 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社五星分社 Shishi City Star Branch Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875197 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社长福分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Changfu Branch
402397875201 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社群英分社 Shishi Shishi Qunying Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875210 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社琼林分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives Kingsland Branch
402397875228 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社大仑分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Lun Branch
402397875236 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社湖光分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch lake
402397875244 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社彭田分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives Tian Peng Branch
402397875252 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社仑峰分社 Shishi Shishi Feng Lun Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397875269 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社容卿分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch Yung Ching
402397875277 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社港塘分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Kong Tong Branch
402397875285 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社钞坑分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit bureaus money pit
402397875293 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社前廊分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives front porch Branch
402397875308 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社新兴街分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives San Hing Branch
402397875316 石狮市石狮农村信用合作社新华分社 Shishi City Shishi Rural Credit Cooperatives Xinhua Branch
402397875332 石狮市祥芝农村信用合作社 Shishi City Xiangzhi Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875349 石狮市祥芝农村信用合作社厝上分社 Shishi City Xiangzhi house on Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397875357 石狮市祥芝农村信用合作社东埔分社 Shishi City Xiangzhi rural credit cooperatives Dongpu Branch
402397875365 石狮市祥芝农村信用合作社祥芝分社 Shishi City Xiangzhi Xiangzhi Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402397875373 石狮市祥芝农村信用合作社祥农分社 Shishi City Xiangzhi Agricultural Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch Cheung
402397875390 石狮市永宁农村信用合作社 Shishi Yongning Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875404 石狮市永宁农村信用合作社沙堤分社 Shishi Yongning Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives Shadi
402397875412 石狮市永宁农村信用合作社梅林分社 Shishi Yongning Meilin Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875429 石狮市永宁农村信用合作社洋厝分社 Shishi Yongning Branch Houses ocean rural credit cooperatives
402397875445 石狮市蚶江农村信用合作社 Shishi City Hanjiang Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875453 石狮市蚶江农村信用合作社厝仔分社 Shishi City Hanjiang rural credit cooperatives house Aberdeen Branch
402397875461 石狮市蚶江农村信用合作社莲塘分社 Shishi City Hanjiang Liantang Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402397875470 石狮市蚶江农村信用合作社锦亭分社 Shishi City Hanjiang rural credit cooperatives Jin Ting Branch
402397875488 石狮市蚶江农村信用合作社莲埭分社 Shishi City Hanjiang rural credit cooperatives Lin Tai Branch
402399081040 漳州市城区农村信用合作社联合社 Zhangzhou City RCCU
402399081066 漳州市城区农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Zhangzhou City RCCU Sales
402399081074 漳州市城区农村信用合作社联合社融通分社 Zhangzhou City Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Branch facility
402399081082 漳州市城区农村信用合作社联合社胜利分社 Zhangzhou City RCCU victory Branch
402399081103 漳州市芗城区浦南农村信用合作社 Zhangzhou Punan rural credit cooperatives
402399081111 漳州市芗城区浦南农村信用合作社浦林分社 Zhangzhou Punan rural credit cooperatives Pu Lin Branch
402399081138 漳州市芗城区天宝农村信用合作社 Zhangzhou Tianbao Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081146 漳州市芗城区天宝农村信用合作社蕉芗分社 Zhangzhou Tianbao banana Xiang Rural Credit bureaus
402399081154 漳州市芗城区天宝农村信用合作社过塘分社 Zhangzhou Tianbao rural credit cooperatives over the pond Branch
402399081187 漳州市芗城区石亭农村信用合作社 Zhangzhou shiting Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081200 漳州市芗城区北斗农村信用合作社 Zhangzhou Dipper Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081218 漳州市芗城区北斗农村信用合作社漳华分社 Zhangzhou Dipper Rural Credit Cooperatives Zhang Hua Branch
402399081226 漳州市芗城区北斗农村信用合作社合兴分社 Zhangzhou Dipper rural credit cooperatives CWB Branch
402399081242 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社 Zhangzhou Shibayama Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081259 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社青年分社 Zhangzhou, Fujian Rural Credit Cooperatives Youth Branch Shibayama
402399081267 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社南星分社 Zhangzhou Southern Star Branch Shibayama Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081275 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社瑞鑫分社 Zhangzhou Branch Shibayama rural credit cooperatives Ruixin
402399081283 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社东岳分社 Zhangzhou, Fujian Rural Credit Cooperatives Dongyue Branch Shibayama
402399081291 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社东鑫分社 Zhangzhou Dong Xin Branch Shibayama Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081306 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社上墩分社 Zhangzhou Branch Shibayama rural credit cooperatives on the pier
402399081314 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社西鑫分社 Zhangzhou Xin Branch Shibayama Western Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081322 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社大同分社 Zhangzhou, Fujian Rural Credit Cooperatives Datong Branch Shibayama
402399081339 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社农友分社 Zhangzhou Branch Shibayama farmers in rural credit cooperatives
402399081347 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社前锋分社 Zhangzhou, Fujian Rural Credit Cooperatives striker Branch Shibayama
402399081355 漳州市芗城区芝山农村信用合作社南环分社 Zhangzhou South Central Branch Shibayama Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081371 漳州市龙文区东城农村信用合作社 Zhangzhou City, rural credit cooperatives LongWen Dongcheng
402399081380 漳州市龙文区东城农村信用合作社西坑分社 Zhangzhou City, rural credit cooperatives LongWen Dongcheng Branch xikeng
402399081398 漳州市龙文区东城农村信用合作社西边分社 Long Zhangzhou City-area west of East Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081402 漳州市龙文区东城农村信用合作社梧店分社 Long Zhangzhou City-area store branch Wu East Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081419 漳州市龙文区东城农村信用合作社浦口分社 Long Zhangzhou City-area branch Pukou East Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399081427 漳州市龙文区东城农村信用合作社郭坑分社 Long Zhangzhou City-area rural credit cooperatives Guokeng East Branch
402399081443 漳州市龙文区东城农村信用合作社新浦分社 Zhangzhou City, rural credit cooperatives LongWen Dongcheng Branch Pu
402399182048 龙海市农村信用合作社联合社 Longhai RCCU
402399182064 龙海市农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Longhai RCCU Sales
402399182089 龙海市颜厝农村信用合作社 Yen Houses Longhai City Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182101 龙海市九湖农村信用合作社 Longhai nine lakes Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182110 龙海市九湖农村信用合作社蔡坑分社 Longhai nine lakes RCCs Cai pit Branch
402399182128 龙海市九湖农村信用合作社长福分社 Longhai nine lakes RCCs Changfu Branch
402399182136 龙海市九湖农村信用合作社九宝分社 Longhai nine lakes RCCs nine treasure Branch
402399182144 龙海市九湖农村信用合作社梅溪分社 Longhai nine lakes RCCs Plum Creek Branch
402399182152 龙海市九湖农村信用合作社新塘分社 Longhai nine lakes RCCs Xintang Branch
402399182169 龙海市九湖农村信用合作社林下分社 Longhai nine lakes RCCs forest Branch
402399182185 龙海市农村信用合作社联合社榜山分社 Longhai RCCU table mountain branch
402399182208 龙海市紫泥农村信用合作社 Longhai City Zini RCC
402399182224 龙海市角美农村信用合作社 Longhai City Kok Mei Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182232 龙海市角美农村信用合作社仁和分社 Longhai City Kok Mei RCCs Renhe branch
402399182249 龙海市角美农村信用合作社石美分社 Longhai City Kok Mei Shi Mei branch in rural credit cooperatives
402399182257 龙海市角美农村信用合作社东美分社 Longhai City Kok Mei RCCs East US Branch
402399182273 龙海市程溪农村信用合作社 Longhai City Chengxi Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182281 龙海市程溪农村信用合作社下庄分社 Longhai City Chengxi rural credit cooperatives at the village branch
402399182290 龙海市程溪农村信用合作社浮山分社 Longhai City Chengxi RCCs Fushan Branch
402399182312 龙海市海澄农村信用合作社 Longhai City Haicheng RCCs
402399182329 龙海市海澄农村信用合作社月港分社 Longhai City Haicheng RCCs month Kong Branch
402399182345 龙海市东泗农村信用合作社 Longhai City East Si Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182361 龙海市浮宫农村信用合作社 Longhai floating palace RCC
402399182388 龙海市白水农村信用合作社 Longhai City Whitewater Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182396 龙海市白水农村信用合作社碧溪分社 Longhai City Whitewater RCCs Bixi Branch
402399182415 龙海市东园农村信用合作社 Longhai East Park Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182431 龙海市港尾农村信用合作社 Longhai City Gangwei RCC
402399182458 龙海市石码农村信用合作社 Longhai City Code Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399182474 龙海市石码农村信用合作社渔业分社 Longhai City Code RCC Fisheries Branch
402399182499 龙海市隆教畲族农村信用合作社 Longhai Longjiao Shes RCC
402399182511 龙海市石码农村信用合作社锦江分社 Longhai City Code RCC Jinjiang Branch
402399182520 龙海市石码农村信用合作社九二0分社 Longhai City Code RCC 920 Branch
402399182546 龙海市农村信用合作社联合社龙江分社 Longhai RCCU Longjiang Branch
402399182554 龙海市港尾农村信用合作社浯屿分社 Longhai City Gangwei RCCs Wuzhou Island Branch
402399182562 龙海市紫泥农村信用合作社大桥分社 Longhai City Zini RCC Bridge Branch
402399182579 龙海市角美农村信用合作社龙池分社 Longhai City Kok Mei rural credit cooperatives longchi Branch
402399182587 龙海市东泗农村信用合作社虎渡分社 Longhai City East Si RCCs tiger crossing branch
402399182595 龙海市浮宫农村信用合作社海门分社 Longhai Louvre Branch Haimen Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399283045 云霄县农村信用合作社联合社 Yunxiao RCCU
402399283061 云霄县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Yunxiao RCCU Sales
402399283070 云霄县农村信用合作社联合社下坂分社 Under Yunxiao RCCU Osaka Branch
402399283088 云霄县农村信用合作社联合社云漳分社 Yunxiao RCCU cloud Zhangzhou Branch
402399283123 云霄县城关农村信用合作社 Yunxiao county Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399283131 云霄县城关农村信用合作社享堂分社 Yunxiao county rural credit cooperatives xiangtang Branch
402399283140 云霄县城关农村信用合作社竹塔分社 Yunxiao county rural credit cooperatives bamboo tower Branch
402399283158 云霄县城关农村信用合作社塘坪分社 Yunxiao county rural credit cooperatives Tong Ping Branch
402399283174 云霄县莆美农村信用合作社 Mei Po Yunxiao County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399283182 云霄县莆美农村信用合作社高洋分社 Mei Po Yunxiao County Rural Credit Gao Yang Branch
402399283199 云霄县莆美农村信用合作社高塘分社 Mei Po Yunxiao County Rural Credit Gaotang Branch
402399283220 云霄县东厦农村信用合作社 Yunxiao County East Building of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399283246 云霄县陈岱农村信用合作社 Chen Dai Yunxiao County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399283254 云霄县陈岱农村信用合作社礁美分社 Chen Dai Yunxiao County Rural Credit reef US Branch
402399283279 云霄县列屿农村信用合作社 Rural credit cooperatives column Yunxiao Island
402399283295 云霄县常山农村信用合作社 Changshan Yunxiao County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399283318 云霄县下河农村信用合作社 Yunxiao river rural credit cooperatives
402399283334 云霄县车圩农村信用合作社 Yunxiao car dike RCC
402399283359 云霄县马铺农村信用合作社 Mapu Yunxiao County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399283375 云霄县火田农村信用合作社 Yunxiao fire Tian RCC
402399283391 云霄县西林农村信用合作社 Yunxiao resistant RCC
402399283414 云霄县和平农村信用合作社 Yunxiao peaceful rural credit cooperatives
402399384049 漳浦县农村信用合作社联合社 Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402399384065 漳浦县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402399384073 漳浦县农村信用合作社联合社泰怡园分社 Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Taiyi Park Branch
402399384090 漳浦县城关农村信用合作社 Zhangpu County Commissioner of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384104 漳浦县城关农村信用合作社大南坂分社 Zhangpu County Commissioner RCCs Great Southern Osaka Branch
402399384112 漳浦县城关农村信用合作社火烧埔分社 Zhangpu County Commissioner RCCs fire Po Branch
402399384129 漳浦县城关农村信用合作社长桥分社 Zhangpu County Commissioner RCC Longbridge Branch
402399384137 漳浦县城关农村信用合作社南浦分社 Nampo Zhangpu County Commissioner RCC Branch
402399384153 漳浦县石榴农村信用合作社 Pomegranate Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384161 漳浦县石榴农村信用合作社象牙分社 Ivory pomegranate Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402399384188 漳浦县盘陀农村信用合作社 Zhangpu County jagged Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384207 漳浦县旧镇农村信用合作社 Old Town of Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384240 漳浦县赤土农村信用合作社 Zhangpu County in terra Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384274 漳浦县霞美农村信用合作社 Xia US Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384299 漳浦县佛潭农村信用合作社 Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Tan Buddha
402399384311 漳浦县佛潭农村信用合作社马坪分社 Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Ma Ping Tan Buddha Branch
402399384320 漳浦县佛潭农村信用合作社前亭分社 Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Tan Buddha Pavilion Branch ago
402399384346 漳浦县赤岭农村信用合作社 Akamine Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384362 漳浦县赤湖农村信用合作社 Red Lake Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384387 漳浦县湖西农村信用合作社 Kosei Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384400 漳浦县杜浔农村信用合作社 Du Xun Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384418 漳浦县杜浔农村信用合作社沙西分社 Du Xun Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch chassiron
402399384434 漳浦县古雷农村信用合作社 Gulei Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384459 漳浦县竹屿农村信用合作社 Bamboo Island Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384467 漳浦县竹屿农村信用合作社深土分社 Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives deep soil Bamboo Island Branch
402399384483 漳浦县官浔农村信用合作社 Zhangpu magistrate Au RCC
402399384506 漳浦县绥安农村信用合作社 Sui Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384514 漳浦县绥安农村信用合作社龙泉分社 Sui Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch Longquan
402399384539 漳浦县绥安农村信用合作社城南分社 Sui Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives south branch
402399384555 漳浦县绥安农村信用合作社绥西分社 Zhangpu County Sui Sui West Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399384571 漳浦县绥安农村信用合作社西施岭分社 Sui Zhangpu County Rural Credit Cooperatives beauties Ridge Branch
402399485045 诏安县农村信用合作社联合社 ZhaoAnXian RCCU
402399485061 诏安县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 ZhaoAnXian RCCU Sales
402399485088 诏安县四都农村信用合作社 ZhaoAnXian four are rural credit cooperatives
402399485096 诏安县四都农村信用合作社梅洲分社 ZhaoAnXian four are rural credit cooperatives Meijhou Branch
402399485115 诏安县金星农村信用合作社 Venus Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485131 诏安县梅岭农村信用合作社 Meiling Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485140 诏安县梅岭农村信用合作社赤石湾分社 Meiling Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives red Shiwan Branch
402399485166 诏安县桥东农村信用合作社 Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives east
402399485174 诏安县桥东农村信用合作社含英分社 Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives east with the British branch
402399485182 诏安县桥东农村信用合作社桥园分社 ZhaoAnXian Eastbound Bridge Park Branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485199 诏安县桥东农村信用合作社甲洲分社 A rural credit cooperatives Zhaoan County Eastbound Island Branch
402399485211 诏安县南诏农村信用合作社 Nanzhao Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485220 诏安县南诏农村信用合作社梅园分社 Nanzhao Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Plum Branch
402399485238 诏安县南诏农村信用合作社北门分社 Nanzhao Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives North Gate Branch
402399485246 诏安县南诏农村信用合作社澹园分社 Nanzhao Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Dan Park Branch
402399485254 诏安县南诏农村信用合作社桥头分社 Nanzhao Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch Bridge
402399485262 诏安县南诏农村信用合作社南门分社 Nanzhao Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Gate Branch
402399485287 诏安县深桥农村信用合作社 Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives deep bridge
402399485295 诏安县深桥农村信用合作社溪南分社 ZhaoAnXian deep south of the river bridge branch Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485318 诏安县西潭农村信用合作社 Zhaoan County, West Lake Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485326 诏安县西潭农村信用合作社白洋分社 Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives baiyang West Lake Branch
402399485342 诏安县建设农村信用合作社 ZhaoAnXian rural credit cooperatives
402399485367 诏安县红星农村信用合作社 Zhaoan County Red Star Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485383 诏安县太平农村信用合作社 ZhaoAnXian Pacific Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485406 诏安县官陂农村信用合作社 Rural credit cooperatives Zhaoan magistrate Pei
402399485414 诏安县官陂农村信用合作社上官分社 Shangguan rural credit cooperatives Zhaoan magistrate Pei Branch
402399485439 诏安县霞葛农村信用合作社 Xia GE Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399485447 诏安县霞葛农村信用合作社秀篆分社 Xia GE Zhaoan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch seal show
402399586048 长泰县农村信用合作社联合社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402399586064 长泰县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402399586072 长泰县农村信用合作社联合社城关分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Branch Chengguan
402399586089 长泰县农村信用合作社联合社武安分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Muan Branch
402399586097 长泰县农村信用合作社联合社京元分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Beijing Branch yuan
402399586101 长泰县农村信用合作社联合社龙津分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Branch Longjin
402399586110 长泰县农村信用合作社联合社积山分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Branch Hill plot
402399586144 长泰县陈巷农村信用合作社 Chen Lane Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399586152 长泰县陈巷农村信用合作社上花分社 Chan Lane Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Flower Branch
402399586177 长泰县岩溪农村信用合作社 Rock Creek Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399586185 长泰县岩溪农村信用合作社锦鳞分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Jinlin Branch Rock Creek
402399586193 长泰县岩溪农村信用合作社东昌分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives Fairmont Rock Creek Branch
402399586224 长泰县枋洋农村信用合作社 Fangyang Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399586232 长泰县枋洋农村信用合作社林墩分社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives fangyang Lin Tun Branch
402399586257 长泰县坂里农村信用合作社 Changtai County Rural Credit Cooperatives in Osaka
402399687040 东山县农村信用合作社联合社 Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402399687066 东山县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402399687099 东山县城关农村信用合作社 Dongshan County Commissioner of Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399687111 东山县城关农村信用合作社第四分社 Dongshan County Commissioner RCC fourth branch
402399687120 东山县城关农村信用合作社第五分社 Dongshan County Commissioner RCC fifth branch
402399687146 东山县康美农村信用合作社 Kang Meinong Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399687162 东山县樟塘农村信用合作社 Zhang Tong Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399687187 东山县西埔农村信用合作社 Dongshan County, West Po Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399687226 东山县陈城农村信用合作社 Chen Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives City
402399687234 东山县陈城农村信用合作社宫前分社 Chen Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Miyamae City Branch
402399687242 东山县陈城农村信用合作社沃角分社 Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives Chan Shing Wo angle branch
402399687267 东山县杏陈农村信用合作社 Xing Chen Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399687275 东山县杏陈农村信用合作社大产分社 Xing Chen Dongshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives largest producer Branch
402399788047 南靖县农村信用合作社联合社 Nanjing County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association
402399788063 南靖县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 Nanjing County Rural Credit Cooperatives Association Sales
402399788080 南靖县山城农村信用合作社 Yamashiro Nanjing County Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399788098 南靖县山城农村信用合作社溪边分社 Nanjing County mountain stream Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402399788102 南靖县山城农村信用合作社城关分社 Nanjing County mountain county Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402399788119 南靖县山城农村信用合作社荆城分社 Nanjing County mountain rural credit cooperatives Jing City Branch
402399788127 南靖县山城农村信用合作社大埔分社 Nanjing County mountain Tai Po Rural Credit Cooperatives Branch
402399788143 南靖县靖城农村信用合作社 Nanjing County Jing City Rural Credit Cooperatives
402399788151 南靖县靖城农村信用合作社兰陵分社 Nanjing County Rural Credit Cooperatives Lan Ling Jing City Branch
402399788160 南靖县靖城农村信用合作社院仔圩分社 Nanjing County town Jing Wei Chai Hospital Rural Credit bureaus
402399788178 南靖县靖城农村信用合作社草坂分社 Jing Nanjing County Rural Credit Cooperatives grass Osaka City Branch
402399788194 南靖县龙山农村信用合作社 Nanjing Longshan County Rural Credit Cooperatives
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