Codes Cnaps de la Bank of Communications 交通银行 – page 2

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Liste des codes Cnaps de la Bank of Communications 交通银行, 中国现代化支付系统号, China National Automatic Payment System, pour les paiements en chine continentale :

Liste des Codes Cnaps de la Bank of Communications 交通银行 – page 2

Code Cnaps 银行名 Nom de la banque
301242000029 交通银行吉林分行昌邑支行 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Changyi
301242000037 交通银行吉林分行船营支行 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications Branch, Chuanying
301242000045 交通银行吉林分行龙潭支行 Longtan Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301242000053 交通银行吉林分行东大支行 Bank of East Branch of Jilin Branch
301242000061 交通银行吉林分行高新技术产业开发区支行 Bank of Jilin Branch High-tech Industrial Development Zone Branch
301242000070 交通银行吉林分行长春路支行 Bank of Jilin, Changchun Branch Road Branch
301242000088 交通银行吉林分行铁东支行 Bank of Jilin Branch of the East Branch of iron
301242000096 交通银行吉林分行义德源分理处 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications branch Ede source
301242000107 交通银行吉林分行重庆路分理处 Bank of Jilin Branch of Chongqing Road branch
301242000115 交通银行吉林分行鸿博支行 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications branch in Hong Bo
301242000123 交通银行吉林分行松江分理处 Bank of Jilin Songjiang Branch Branch
301242000131 交通银行吉林分行天元分理处 Bank of Jilin branch of Tianyuan Branch
301242000140 交通银行吉林分行顺城分理处 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications branch along the city
301242000158 交通银行吉林分行热电支行 Thermoelectric Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301242000166 交通银行吉林分行通谭分理处 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications branch through Tan
301242000174 交通银行吉林分行银发分理处 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Seniors
301242000182 交通银行吉林分行高新分理处 Jilin Branch of the high-tech branch of Bank of Communications
301242000199 交通银行吉林分行菜市场分理处 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications branch markets
301242000203 交通银行吉林分行紫光支行 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Purple
301242000211 交通银行吉林分行江华分理处 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications branch Jianghua
301242000238 交通银行吉林分行武汉路分理处 Bank of Jilin, Wuhan Branch Road branch
301242000246 交通银行吉林分行河南街支行 Bank of Jilin, Henan Street Branch, Branch
301242000254 交通银行吉林分行华南分理处 Jilin Branch of Bank of Communications, South China Branch
301242000262 交通银行吉林分行丰银分理处 Bank of Jilin branch of HSBC Bank Branch
301242000279 交通银行吉林分行营业部 Bank of Jilin Branch Office
301243000014 交通银行四平支行 Siping Branch of Bank of Communications
301244000016 交通银行辽源支行 Liaoyuan Branch of Bank of Communications
301245000018 交通银行通化支行 Tonghua Branch of Bank of Communications
301245000026 交通银行通化支行二道江办事处 Tonghua Branch of Bank of Communications, Office of the two river
301249002109 交通银行延边分行 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications
301249002205 交通银行延边分行河南支行 Yanbian Henan Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301249002221 交通银行延边分行延西分理处 Bank of the West Branch of Yanbian branch delay
301249002230 交通银行延边分行天池路分理处 Yanbian Tianchi Road branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301249002256 交通银行延边分行长城分理处 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Wall
301249002408 交通银行延边分行金达莱广场分理处 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications Jindal Square Branch
301249002504 交通银行延边分行河北支行 Yanbian Hebei Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301249002512 交通银行延边分行时代广场分理处 Yanbian Branch Bank branch in Times Square
301249002529 交通银行延边分行百花分理处 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications branch flowers
301249002537 交通银行延边分行春晖分理处 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications branch Chunhui
301249002545 交通银行延边分行学院分理处 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications Branch School
301249002553 交通银行延边分行庆丰分理处 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications branch Qingfeng
301249002561 交通银行延边分行吉利分理处 Yanbian Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Geely
301249002570 交通银行延边分行营业部 Bank of Yanbian Branch Office
301249002588 交通银行延边分行延南分理处 Bank of the South Branch of Yanbian branch delay
301261000016 交通银行哈尔滨分行账务中心 Harbin Branch of Bank Accounts Center
301261000024 交通银行哈尔滨分行营业部 Bank of Harbin Branch Office
301261000032 交通银行哈尔滨市南岗支行 Harbin Nangang Branch of Bank of Communications
301261000049 交通银行哈尔滨市道里支行 Daoli branch of Bank of Communications
301261000057 交通银行哈尔滨市融通支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications facility
301261000065 交通银行哈尔滨市开发区支行 Bank of Harbin Development Zone Branch
301261000073 交通银行哈尔滨市亿通支行 Bank branch in Harbin Yitong
301261000081 交通银行哈尔滨市阿城支行 Cheng Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications
301261000090 交通银行哈尔滨市和平支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications peace
301261000104 交通银行哈尔滨市汇通支行 Harbin Branch of Bank Remittance
301261000112 交通银行哈尔滨市东大直支行 Bank branch in Harbin Dong Dazhi
301261000129 交通银行哈尔滨市新兴支行 Harbin emerging branch of Bank of Communications
301261000137 交通银行哈尔滨市动力支行 Harbin Power Branch of Bank of Communications
301261000145 交通银行哈尔滨市站前支行 Bank branch in Harbin Station
301261000153 交通银行哈尔滨市奋斗路分理处 Bank of Harbin struggle Road branch
301261000161 交通银行哈尔滨市花园支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications garden
301261000170 交通银行哈尔滨市东直路分理处 Bank of East Cross Road branch in Harbin
301261000188 交通银行哈尔滨市大直支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications Tachih
301261000196 交通银行哈尔滨市嵩山支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications Songshan
301261000207 交通银行哈尔滨市革新支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications Innovation
301261000215 交通银行哈尔滨市荟芳里分理处 Bank branch in Harbin Hui Fang
301261000223 交通银行哈尔滨市欣顺分理处 Harbin Xin Shun Bank Branch
301261000231 交通银行哈尔滨市新阳路支行 Bank branch in Harbin City Rd
301261000240 交通银行哈尔滨市经纬支行 Jingwei Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications
301261000258 交通银行哈尔滨市大安支行 Daan Branch of Bank of Harbin
301261000266 交通银行哈尔滨市金华支行 Harbin Jinhua Branch of Bank of Communications
301261000274 交通银行哈尔滨市中央大街分理处 Central Avenue Bank branch in Harbin
301261000282 交通银行哈尔滨市尚志分理处 Bank branch in Harbin Hisashi
301261000299 交通银行哈尔滨市道外支行 Bank branch in Harbin market
301261000303 交通银行哈尔滨市北新分理处 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications Shinchi
301261000311 交通银行哈尔滨市汇融分理处 Bank of Harbin City Department of Finance Branch
301261000320 交通银行哈尔滨市珠江支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Pearl River
301261000338 交通银行哈尔滨市闽江支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications Minjiang
301261000346 交通银行哈尔滨市辽河支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications Liaohe
301261000354 交通银行哈尔滨市学府支行 Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications universities
301261000362 交通银行哈尔滨市第一分理处 Harbin City, the first branch of Bank of Communications
301261000379 交通银行哈尔滨市尚志支行 Hisashi Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications
301261000387 交通银行哈尔滨市通达分理处 Mastery Harbin Branch of Bank of Communications
301261000395 交通银行哈尔滨市安乐分理处 Bank of Harbin Lok Branch
301261000400 交通银行哈尔滨市平房分理处 Harbin Branch Bank Cottage
301261000418 交通银行哈尔滨市交广分理处 Bank of Harbin cross wide branch
301264000011 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行账务中心 Bank accounts Qiqihar Branch Center
301264000020 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行营业部 Bank of Qiqihar Branch Office
301264000038 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行红岸支行 Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications Branch, Red Bank
301264000046 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行路通支行 Lutong Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301264000054 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行正阳支行 Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Zhengyang
301264000062 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行中环支行 Bank Central Branch of Qiqihar Branch
301264000079 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行通东支行 Bank branches through the East Branch of Qiqihar
301264000087 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行银花支行 Silver Flower Branch of Bank of Qiqihar Branch
301264000095 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行军交支行 Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications branch of the military post
301264000100 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行文化支行 Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Culture
301264000118 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行铁路支行 Qiqihar Railway Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301264000126 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行二马路支行 Qiqihar Branch Bank branch in two road
301264000134 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行龙南支行 Long Branch Bank of the South Branch of Qiqihar
301264000142 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行自立支行 Independence Branch of Bank of Qiqihar Branch
301264000159 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行爱格支行 Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications Branch, EGGER
301264000167 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行学府支行 Qiqihar university branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301264000175 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行东亚支行 Bank of East Asia branch of Qiqihar Branch
301264000183 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行银车分理处 Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications branch silver car
301264000191 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行红向阳支行 Qiqihar Branch Red Bank branch in Sunningdale
301264000206 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行和平支行 Qiqihar Branch Bank branch in peace
301264000214 交通银行齐齐哈尔分行百花支行 Qiqihar Branch of Bank of Communications Branch flowers
301265019829 交通银行大庆分行 Daqing Branch of Bank of Communications
301278000014 交通银行黑河支行 Heihe Branch of Bank of Communications
301290000007 交通银行 Bank of Communications
301290011110 交通银行总行营业部 Bank Head Office
301290050012 交通银行上海分行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050029 交通银行上海分行业务部 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Business Unit
301290050037 交通银行上海分行第一支行 The first branch of the Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050045 交行上海分行航运交易所支行 Bank branch in Shanghai Shipping Exchange Branch
301290050053 交行上海分行房地大厦支行 Bank Shanghai Branch premises Building Sub-branch
301290050061 交通银行上海分行徐汇支行 Xuhui Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050070 交通银行上海分行宜山路支行 Yishan Road Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050088 交通银行上海分行天钥桥路支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Tianyaoqiao
301290050096 交通银行上海分行漕河泾支行 Caohejing Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050107 交通银行上海分行斜土路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Road Branch Xietu
301290050115 交通银行上海分行肇嘉浜路支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Zhaojiabang
301290050123 交通银行上海分行宝山支行 Baoshan Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050131 交通银行上海分行共康支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Gongkang
301290050140 交通银行上海分行长江西路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, a branch of the Yangtze River Road
301290050158 交通银行上海分行场中路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Field Road Sub-branch
301290050166 交通银行上海分行牡丹江路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Mudanjiang Road Branch
301290050174 交通银行上海分行永乐路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Paradise Road Branch
301290050182 交通银行上海分行三门路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Branch of three channels
301290050199 交通银行上海分行虹口支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Hongkou
301290050203 交通银行上海分行虬江路支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Qiujiang
301290050211 交通银行上海分行武昌路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Wuchang Road Branch
301290050220 交通银行上海分行四川北路支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of Sichuan Road
301290050238 交通银行上海分行四平路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Siping Road Branch
301290050246 交通银行上海分行提篮桥支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Tilanqiao
301290050254 交通银行上海分行曲阳路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Quyang Road Branch
301290050262 交通银行上海分行凉城支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch liangcheng
301290050279 交通银行上海分行长宁支行 Changning Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050287 交行上海分行虹桥支行 Bank branch in Shanghai Hongqiao Branch
301290050295 交通银行上海分行番禺路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Panyu Road Branch
301290050300 交通银行上海分行虹桥友谊商城支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Hongqiao Friendship Shopping Center
301290050318 交通银行上海分行古北新区支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Gubei
301290050326 交通银行上海分行仙霞路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Xian Xia Road Branch
301290050334 交通银行上海分行虹康支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Hong Kang
301290050342 交通银行上海新世界大厦支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, New World Tower
301290050359 交通银行上海分行闸北支行 Zhabei Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050367 交通银行上海分行共和新路支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Gonghexinlu
301290050375 交通银行上海分行七浦路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Road Branch Nanaura
301290050383 交通银行上海分行新客站支行 New Railway Station Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050391 交通银行上海分行彭浦新村支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Pengpuxincun
301290050406 交行上海分行中远两湾城支行 Bank Shanghai Branch branch of COSCO two Bay City
301290050414 交通银行上海分行中兴路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Zhongxing Road Branch
301290050422 交通银行上海分行大华支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Dahua
301290050439 交通银行上海分行闵行支行 Minhang Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050447 交通银行上海分行鹤庆支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Heqing
301290050455 交通银行上海分行莘庄支行 Xinzhuang branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050463 交通银行上海分行江川路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Jiangchuan Road Branch
301290050471 交通银行上海分行奉贤支行 Fengxian Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050480 交通银行上海分行市西支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch City West Branch,
301290050498 交通银行上海分行曹杨支行 Cao Yang Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050502 交通银行上海分行石泉路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Shiquan Road Branch
301290050519 交行上海分行静安南京西路支行 Bank branch in Nanjing West Road, Shanghai Jing’an Branch
301290050527 交通银行上海分行中山北路支行 Zhongshan North Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050535 交通银行上海分行光新路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Light New Road Branch
301290050543 交通银行上海分行静安支行 Jing’an Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050551 交通银行上海分行华山路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Huashan Road Branch
301290050560 交通银行上海分行期货大厦支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Building Futures
301290050578 交通银行上海分行物贸大厦支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of Trade Building Sub-branch
301290050586 交通银行上海分行杨浦支行 Yangpu branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050594 交通银行上海分行开鲁路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Lu Road Branch
301290050609 交通银行上海分行许昌路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Xuchang Road Branch
301290050617 交通银行上海分行鞍山路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Anshan Road Branch
301290050625 交通银行上海分行控江路支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Kongjiang
301290050633 交通银行上海分行五角场支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch wujiaochang
301290050641 交通银行上海分行赤峰路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of Chifeng Road Branch
301290050650 交通银行上海分行靖宇支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Jingyu
301290050668 交通银行上海分行金专支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch special branch of gold
301290050676 交通银行上海分行市南支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of the South Branch of the city
301290050684 交通银行上海分行南京西路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of Nanjing West Branch
301290050692 交通银行上海分行大桥支行 Bridge Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050705 交通银行上海分行制造局路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Road Branch Manufacturing Bureau
301290050713 交通银行上海分行市百一店支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch City Branch of hundred stores
301290050721 交通银行上海分行豫园支行 Yuyuan Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050730 交通银行上海分行南京东路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of Nanjing East Road Branch
301290050748 交通银行上海分行瑞南支行 Brennan Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050756 交通银行上海分行北京东路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of Beijing East Road Branch,
301290050764 交通银行上海分行松江支行 Songjiang Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050772 交通银行上海分行松江工业区支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Songjiang Industrial Zone Branch
301290050789 交行上海分行松江出口加工区支行 Bank of Shanghai Songjiang Export Processing Zone Branch Branch
301290050797 交通银行上海分行嘉定支行 Jiading Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050801 交通银行上海分行南翔支行 Nanxiang Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050810 交通银行上海分行安亭支行 Anting Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050828 交通银行上海陆家嘴支行 Branch of Bank of Communications, Shanghai Lujiazui
301290050836 交通银行上海分行民生路支行 Minsheng Bank Shanghai Branch Road Branch
301290050844 交通银行上海浦东分行 Bank of Communications, Shanghai Pudong Branch
301290050852 交通银行上海分行交银大厦支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Bank Building
301290050869 交通银行上海分行东方路支行 Oriental Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Road Branch
301290050877 交通银行上海分行玉兰路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of Magnolia Road Branch
301290050885 交通银行上海分行六里支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Branch of six years
301290050893 交通银行上海分行南浦支行 Nanpu branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050908 交通银行上海分行凌兆支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Lingzhao
301290050916 交行上海分行浦东海关支行 Bank branch in Shanghai Pudong Customs Branch
301290050924 交行上海分行新区支行 New Branch of Bank of Shanghai Branch
301290050932 交通银行上海分行金桥湾支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Bay Branch of Jinqiao
301290050949 交通银行上海分行张江支行 Zhangjiang Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290050957 交通银行上海分行金杨支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Branch Kim Yang
301290050965 交通银行上海分行德平路支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch Tak Ping Road Branch
301290050973 交通银行上海分行外高桥保税区支行 Bank of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Branch, Branch
301290050981 交通银行上海分行高化支行 Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch of the branch of the high
301290050990 交通银行上海外高桥保税区日京路支行 Bank of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Beijing Road Branch
301290051007 交通银行上海分行高桥支行 Takahashi Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290051015 交通银行上海分行川沙支行 Chuansha Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290051023 交通银行上海罗店支行 Luodian branch of the Bank of Communications
301290051031 交通银行上海分行空港支行 Airport Branch of Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch
301290051040 交行上海分行青浦支行 Bank branch in Shanghai Qingpu Branch
301290051058 交行上海分行南汇支行 Bank branch in Shanghai Nanhui Branch
301290051066 交行上海分行上海化学工业区支行 Bank Shanghai Branch of Shanghai Chemical Industrial District Branch
301290051082 交通银行股份有限公司上海七宝支行 Shanghai Branch of Bank of Communications Co. Qibao
301301000011 交通银行南京分行 Bank of Nanjing Branch
301301000020 交通银行南京分行营业部 Bank of Nanjing Branch Office
301301000038 交通银行南京市中央路支行 Central Bank of Nanjing Road Branch
301301000046 交通银行南京市天津新村支行 Village Bank branch in Nanjing, Tianjin
301301000054 交通银行南京分行下关支行 Under Bank branch in Nanjing Branch Off
301301000062 交通银行南京建宁路支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Jianning
301301000079 交通银行南京分行新街口支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Branch xinjiekou
301301000087 交通银行南京市广州路支行 Guangzhou Road, Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000095 交通银行南京汉中路支行 Bank of Nanjing Hanzhong Road Branch
301301000100 交通银行南京分行玄武支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Branch basaltic
301301000118 交通银行南京卫桥支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Wei Bridge
301301000126 交通银行南京分行夫子庙支行 Confucius Temple in Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301301000134 交通银行南京长乐路支行 Bank of Nanjing Changle Road Branch
301301000142 交通银行南京市雨花东路支行 Nanjing Yuhua Road branch of Bank of Communications
301301000159 交通银行南京分行中央门支行 Central Bank of Nanjing Branch Sub-branch
301301000167 交通银行南京泰山新村支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch of Mountain Village
301301000175 交通银行南京分行大厂支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Branch Dachang
301301000183 交通银行南京分行高新开发区支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch High-tech Development Zone Branch
301301000191 交通银行南京市东山支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Dongshan
301301000206 交通银行南京浦口支行 Pukou Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000214 交通银行南京分行鼓楼支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Gulou Branch
301301000222 交通银行南京三元巷支行 Three Lane Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000239 交通银行南京市珠江路支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Zhujiang
301301000247 交通银行南京市华侨路支行 Huaqiao Lu, Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000255 交通银行南京北京西路支行 Beijing Road, Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000263 交通银行南京市北京东路支行 Beijing Road, Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000271 交通银行南京大光路支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch of the optical path
301301000280 交通银行南京瑞金路支行 Bank of Nanjing Ruijin Road Branch
301301000298 交通银行南京建康路支行 Bank of Nanjing Jiankang Road Branch
301301000302 交通银行南京中山北路支行 Branch of Bank of Nanjing Zhongshan North Road
301301000319 交通银行南京市龙蟠路支行 Longpan Road Branch, Bank of Communications
301301000327 交通银行南京市迈皋桥支行 Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications Maigaoqiao
301301000335 交通银行南京市大桥南路支行 Nanjing Bridge Road branch of Bank of Communications
301301000343 交通银行南京市渊声巷支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch of the deep sound Lane
301301000351 交通银行南京分行凤凰东路分理处 Bank of Nanjing Branch of the Phoenix East Branch
301301000360 交通银行南京长冲路支行 Bank of Nanjing Chang Chong Road Branch
301301000378 交通银行南京分行江宁支行 Nanjing Jiangning Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301301000386 交通银行南京大行宫支行 Bank branch in Nanjing palace
301301000394 交通银行南京市御道街支行 Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications Yudaojie
301301000409 交通银行南京市国贸支行 EON Bank branch in Nanjing
301301000417 交通银行南京分行雨花支行 Yuhua branch of Bank of Nanjing Branch
301301000425 交通银行南京水西门支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Water Simon
301301000433 交通银行南京常府街 Bank of Nanjing Chang Fu Street
301301000441 交通银行南京江苏路支行 Bank of Nanjing, Jiangsu Road Branch
301301000450 交通银行南京中央北路支行 Branch of the Central Bank of Nanjing Road
301301000468 交通银行南京后宰门支行 Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications Houzaimen
301301000476 交通银行南京分行城中支行 Nanjing Branch of the city branch of Bank of Communications
301301000484 交通银行南京集庆路 Bank of Nanjing set Hing Road
301301000492 交通银行南京分行装饰城分理处 Bank of Nanjing Branch Decoration City Branch
301301000505 交通银行南京金源支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Jinyuan
301301000513 交通银行南京游府西街支行 Bank branch in Nanjing tour Fuxi
301301000521 交通银行南京孝陵卫支行 Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications Xiaolingwei
301301000530 交通银行南京新模范马路支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch of the new model the road
301301000548 交通银行南京市龙江支行 Longjiang Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000556 交通银行南京洪武北路支行 Hongwu Road, Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000564 交通银行南京市城东支行 East Branch of Bank of Nanjing
301301000572 交通银行南京龙园中路支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch, Long Park Road
301301000589 交通银行南京光华路分理处 Bank of Nanjing Guanghua Road branch
301301000597 交通银行南京王府大街支行 Palace Street branch of Bank of Nanjing
301301000601 交通银行南京汉中门支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Hanzhong Gate
301301000610 交通银行南京汉中西路支行 West Branch of Bank of Nanjing Hanzhong
301301000628 交通银行南京钟阜路 Bank of Nanjing Zhong Fu Road
301301000636 交通银行南京太平门支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch of exit
301301000644 交通银行南京分行新港开发区支行 Bank of Nanjing Xingang Development Zone Branch Branch
301301000652 交通银行南京定淮门支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch of Huai door
301301000669 交通银行南京分行白下支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Branch under the white
301301000677 交通银行南京扬子支行 Bank branch in Nanjing Yangzi
301301000685 交通银行南京洪武路支行 Bank of Nanjing Hongwu Road Branch
301301000693 交通银行南京中保村支行 Bulgarian village Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000708 交通银行南京市集庆门分理处 Bank of Nanjing Branch Jiqingmen
301301000716 交通银行南京秦虹支行 Qin Hong Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000724 交通银行南京市天山路分理处 Bank of Nanjing Tianshan Road Branch
301301000732 交通银行南京南师大支行 Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000749 交通银行南京新民路支行 Bank of Nanjing Xinmin Road Branch
301301000757 交通银行南京花园路支行 Bank of Nanjing Garden Road Branch
301301000765 交通银行南京金陵新村支行 Village branch of Bank of Nanjing Jinling
301301000773 交通银行南京月牙湖支行 Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications yueyahu
301301000781 交通银行南京仙林大学城分理处 Bank of Nanjing Xianlin University City Branch
301301000790 交通银行南京南钢支行 Nanjing Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000804 交通银行南京学府路支行 Xuefu Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000812 交通银行南京解放路支行 Jiefang Road, Nanjing Branch of Bank of Communications
301301000829 交通银行南京娄子巷支行 Bank of Nanjing Branch of trouble Lane
301301000837 交通银行南京草场门支行 Bank branch in Nanjing pasture gate
301301000845 交通银行南京大明路分理处 Bank of Nanjing Daming Road Branch
301301000853 交通银行南京竹山路支行 Bank of Nanjing Road Branch Takeyama
301302001104 交通银行无锡分行城西支行 Bank Wuxi Branch West Branch
301302001112 交通银行无锡分行小桃园分理处 Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications branch Xiaotaoyan
301302001207 交通银行无锡分行海天支行 Wuxi Branch of the Haitian branch of Bank of Communications
301302001215 交通银行无锡分行太湖花园支行 Taihu Lake in Wuxi Branch Bank branch in the garden
301302001223 交通银行无锡分行塘南分理处 Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications branch Tangnan
301302002003 交通银行无锡分行东门支行 Bank Wuxi Branch Dongmen Branch
301302002011 交通银行无锡分行城东支行 Wuxi Branch East Branch of Bank of Communications
301302002020 交通银行无锡分行广丰支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch guangfeng
301302002038 交通银行无锡分行庆丰分理处 Wuxi Qingfeng branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301302002100 交通银行无锡分行朝阳支行 Chaoyang Branch Bank Wuxi Branch
301302002118 交通银行无锡分行南门支行 Wuxi Branch Bank branch in South Gate
301302002126 交通银行无锡分行汤巷支行 Tom Lane Branch Bank branch in Wuxi
301302002134 交通银行无锡分行广南分理处 Quang Nam Bank Wuxi Branch Branch
301302002142 交通银行无锡分行硕放分理处 Shuofang Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301302002206 交通银行无锡分行北门支行 Wuxi Branch Bank branch in North Gate
301302002222 交通银行无锡分行吴桥分理处 Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Wuqiao
301302002239 交通银行无锡分行城北支行 Wuxi Branch North Branch of Bank of Communications
301302002255 交通银行无锡分行黄巷分理处 Yellow Roadway Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301302002302 交通银行无锡分行河埒口支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch Liekou
301302002319 交通银行无锡分行中桥支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch Bridge
301302002327 交通银行无锡分行滨湖支行 Wuxi Branch Lake Branch of Bank of Communications
301302002335 交通银行无锡分行西郊分理处 Bank branch in the western suburbs of Wuxi Branch
301302002351 交通银行无锡分行芦庄分理处 Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Zhuang Lu
301302002409 交通银行无锡分行马山支行 Wuxi Branch Bank branch in Masan
301302002505 交通银行无锡分行锡山支行 Wuxi Xishan Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301302002513 交通银行无锡分行东亭分理处 Dongting Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301302002601 交通银行股份有限公司无锡广瑞支行 Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Wuxi Branch of GuangRui
301302002610 交通银行无锡分行洛社分理处 Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications branch Luoshe
301302002628 交通银行无锡分行前洲分理处 Former Bank Wuxi Branch Island Branch
301302002636 交通银行无锡分行钱桥支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch Qianqiao
301302002652 交通银行股份有限公司无锡惠山支行 Branch of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Wuxi Huishan
301302002708 交通银行无锡分行高新技术产业开发区支行 Bank Wuxi Branch High-tech Industrial Development Zone Branch
301302002716 交通银行无锡分行清扬支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch Chhnang
301302002724 交通银行无锡分行曹张分理处 Wuxi Branch of Bank of Communications Branch Zhang Cao
301302009998 交通银行无锡分行 Bank Wuxi Branch
301302200015 交通银行无锡分行江阴支行 Wuxi Branch Jiangyin Branch of Bank of Communications
301302200023 交通银行江阴支行城西分理处 West Branch of Bank of Communications Jiangyin Branch
301302200031 交通银行江阴支行城东分理处 Jiangyin Branch of Bank of East Branch
301302200040 交通银行无锡分行滨江支行 Riverside Bank branch in Wuxi Branch
301302200058 交通银行无锡分行陆桥支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch bridge
301302200066 交通银行江阴支行百花园分理处 Bank branch in the garden of Jiangyin Branch
301302200074 交通银行江阴支行朝阳分理处 Chaoyang Branch of Bank of Communications Jiangyin Branch
301302200082 交通银行江阴支行花园分理处 Jiangyin Branch of Bank of Communications branch garden
301302300016 交通银行无锡分行宜兴支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch Yixing
301302300024 交通银行无锡分行丁蜀支行 Bank branch in Wuxi Branch Ding Shu
301302300032 交通银行宜兴支行和桥分理处 Bridge Bank branches and sub-branches in Yixing
301302300049 交通银行宜兴支行高塍分理处 Yixing branch of Bank of Communications branch gaocheng
301302300057 交通银行宜兴支行宜城北门分理处 Yixing branch of Bank of Communications branch should North Gate
301302300065 交通银行宜兴支行官林分理处 Yixing branch of Bank of Communications branch forest officer
301302300073 交通银行宜兴支行环科园分理处 Yixing branch of Bank Central Branch Park Branch
301302300081 交通银行宜兴支行宜城东山分理处 Yicheng Yixing branch of Bank of Communications branch Dongshan
301303000007 交通银行徐州分行帐务中心 Xuzhou Branch Bank Accounts Center
301303000015 交通银行徐州分行营业部 Bank of Xuzhou Branch Office
301303000023 交通银行徐州分行淮东支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch Huaidong
301303000031 交通银行徐州分行淮西支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch HuaiXi
301303000040 交通银行徐州分行堤北支行 Bank of the North Branch of the bank branch in Xuzhou
301303000058 交通银行徐州分行城南开发区支行 Xuzhou Branch Bank branch in South Zone
301303000066 交通银行徐州分行城北支行 Xuzhou Branch North Branch of Bank of Communications
301303000074 交通银行徐州分行金山桥支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch Jinshanqiao
301303000082 交通银行徐州分行戏马台支行 Bank of Taiwan branch of Xuzhou Branch horse opera
301303000099 交通银行徐州分行卧牛支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch wau
301303000103 交通银行徐州分行矿大支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch Coal Mine
301303000111 交通银行徐州分行巨龙支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch dragon
301303000120 交通银行徐州分行宣武支行 Xuzhou Xuanwu Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301303000138 交通银行徐州分行永安支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch Wing
301303000146 交通银行徐州分行彭城广场支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Pengcheng Square Branch
301303000154 交通银行徐州分行西苑支行 Xiyuan Xuzhou Branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301303000162 交通银行徐州分行建国东路支行 Jianguo Road Branch Bank branch in Xuzhou
301303000179 交通银行徐州分行西郊支行 Xuzhou west branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301303000187 交通银行徐州分行河东支行 Xuzhou, east branch of Bank of Communications Branch
301303000195 交通银行徐州分行晓月园支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch Park Aria
301303000200 交通银行徐州分行黄山小区湖滨支行 Bank branch in Xuzhou Branch Lake Huangshan district
301303000218 交通银行徐州分行湖滨支行 Xuzhou Branch Lake Branch of Bank of Communications
301303000226 交通银行徐州分行铜山路支行 Copper Hill Road Branch Bank branch in Xuzhou
301303000234 交通银行徐州分行煤建支行 Branch Coal Construction Bank branch in Xuzhou
301304000025 交通银行常州分行 Changzhou Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000033 交通银行常州天宁支行 Changzhou Tian Ning Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000041 交通银行常州钟楼支行 Bank branch in Changzhou clock tower
301304000050 交通银行常州城南支行 Changzhou South Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000068 交通银行常州新区支行 Changzhou Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000076 交通银行常州兰陵支行 Bank branch in Changzhou lanling
301304000084 交通银行常州城东支行 Changzhou East Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000092 交通银行常州戚墅堰支行 Bank branch in Changzhou qishuyan
301304000105 交通银行常州朝阳支行 Changzhou Chaoyang Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000113 交通银行常州延陵支行 Changzhou Yanling Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000121 交通银行常州广化街支行 Bank of Canton Street branch in Changzhou
301304000130 交通银行常州北大街支行 Changzhou North Street branch of Bank of Communications
301304000148 交通银行常州城中支行 Changzhou city branch of Bank of Communications
301304000156 交通银行武进支行 Wujin Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000164 交通银行常州劳动中路分理处 Changzhou labor Road branch of Bank of Communications
301304000172 交通银行常州购物中心分理处 Bank of Changzhou Mall Branch
301304000189 交通银行常州红梅西村分理处 Changzhou Plum Village Bank branch
301304000197 交通银行常州弋桥分理处 Changzhou Yi Bridge Bank Branch
301304000201 交通银行常州博爱路分理处 Changzhou fraternity Road branch of Bank of Communications
301304000210 交通银行常州通江大道分理处 Changzhou Tongjiang Avenue Bank branch
301304000228 交通银行常州浦北分理处 Changzhou Branch Bank Pubei
301304000236 交通银行常州虹桥分理处 Changzhou Hongqiao Branch of Bank of Communications
301304000244 交通银行常州勤业路支行 Bank of Changzhou Qinye Road Branch
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