Privacy Policy RGPD

Who are we?

The website address is

NIOURK LLC PUBLISHING published this website, whose head office is located at 2915 Ogletown Road, # 2483 – NEWARK, DE 19713 – U.S.A.

Niourk LLC publishing

GANDI SAS hosts the site at the following address Gandi US, Inc – C/O Industrious 345, California Street SUITE 600 – San Francisco – CA 94104 – U.S.A.


The site is administered and managed by BRIZAWEN SAS, registered in RENNES under the number RCS B 883 456 048 and having its head office in ESSÉ (35150) at 15 rue des artisans in FRANCE.

Prestations Web à RENNES

Use of personal data collected


When you leave a comment on our website, the data entered in the comment form and your IP address, and your browser’s user agent is collected to help us detect unwanted comments.


If you are a registered user and upload images to the website, we advise you to avoid uploading images containing EXIF data of GPS coordinates. Visitors to our website can download and extract location data from these images.


If you leave a comment on our site, you will be asked to save your name, email address, and website in cookies. This is only for your convenience so that you do not have to enter this information if you leave another comment later. These cookies expire after one year.

If you have an account and log in to this site, a temporary cookie will be created to determine if your browser accepts cookies. It does not contain any personal information and will be deleted when you close your browser.

We will set some cookies to store your login information and screen preferences when you log in. A login cookie lasts for two days, and a screen preference cookie lasts for one year. If you check “Remember Me,” your login cookie will be retained for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookie will be deleted.

An additional cookie will be stored in your browser when editing or publishing an article. This cookie does not include any personal data. It simply indicates the identifier of the article you just modified. It expires after one day.

Embedded Content from Other Sites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves the same way as the visitor on that other site.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, and track your interactions with these embedded contents if you have an account with their website.

Statistics and audience measurement

No statistical and audience measurement software is used on this website.

Use and transmission of your data

How long do we store your data

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are stored indefinitely. This automatically recognizes and approves subsequent statements instead of the moderation queue.

We also store the personal data indicated in their profiles for users who register on our site (if possible). All users can view, edit or delete their personal information at any time (except for their username). Site managers can also view and modify this information.

The rights you have over your data.

If you have an account or have left comments on the site, you can request a file containing all the personal data about you, including the information you have provided to us. You may also request the deletion of your data. This does not include data stored for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Transmission of your data

Visitors’ comments can be checked with an automated service for detecting undesirable comments.

We will not pass on your email address or any other personally identifiable information to any third party without your express prior consent unless required to do so by law, regulation, or court order.

Contact Information

If you have a privacy concern or would like to exercise your right to withdraw information, please send a message to this address: our contact page.

Additional Information

How we protect your data

The technical measures taken to protect data are end-to-end encryption (HTTPS) and double authentication security measures to access the administration.

Backups of all data are made every day. They are kept securely on servers belonging to Gandi.

Third-party services that transmit data to us

We use persistent cookies to improve the user experience.

These cookies are kept on your computer even after you close your browser and are reused during future visits to our websites.

We also use cookies to understand better how you interact with our sites and services and improve those sites and services. As a third-party vendor and owner of the Adsense / Adword advertising network, Google uses cookies to serve ads on our site. Users can opt out of this process by visiting this site. You will find the privacy policy and terms of use at this address.

Photo of author

Editorial team

The editorial staff of the Juristique website brings together specialists in law, human resources, and taxation. We regularly publish models of certificates, letters, contracts, and the last conventional salary scales in 2024 to meet companies' needs. We also publish articles on legal news and banking indices, such as SWIFT and CNAPS codes for international transfers.